On 10/18/23 14:21, Sunil V L wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 02:11:17PM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>> On 10/18/23 13:21, 蔡雨晴 wrote:
>>> Hi Laszlo,
>>> Thank you for your comments. I will commit a new patch to add the
>>> maintainers to the "Maintainers.txt" file in the root directory of the
>>> edk2-platforms project.
>>> Please let us know if you have more suggestions.
>> I do have one, but it's not specifically for this patch set, but for all
>> future edk2(-platforms) patches you may post -- please add "--stat=1000
>> --stat-graph-width=20" to your git-format-patch command line.
>> Edk2(-platforms) use(s) long pathnames, and so the cumulative diffstat
>> tends to be truncated, and on the left side at that. That fact makes it
>> hard to see the extent of a patchset. If you add these options, then the
>> cumulative diffstat is going to be just as wide as it needs to be -- no
>> truncation, and no needless padding.
>> The "BaseTools/Scripts/SetupGit.py" utility creates a git-format-patch
>> alias called "fp" that includes these options.
>> BTW I could help Ard out by pushing this patch set (well, v4, with the
>> Maintainers.txt fix), I'm just not clear when a patch set counts as
>> "sufficiently reviewed" for edk2-platforms.
>> Laszlo
> Hi Laszlo,
> I have pushed the v5 series since they looked decent.

Sure, thanks -- it's useful if the person merging the series confirms
that fact on-list at once (when the merge request is successfully closed).

> Leif had given
> some feedback which are taken care and they looked decent. Maintainer
> entry needs to be added as separate patch. I know there are further
> improvements planned.
> BTW, I have recommended many people to read your guide [1] which I also
> refer every time. Though few things like Setup.py can be added, I found
> your document is really good for any one working on EDK2 patches.
> Thanks!
> [1] -
> https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Laszlo%27s-unkempt-git-guide-for-edk2-contributors-and-maintainers

Glad to hear that!


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