From: caiyuqing379 <>

  Deploy EDK2 to run on 64-core CPU under RISC-V architecture, and successfully 
boot to OS.
  Implementation can be seen at:

Current status:
  1) Adopted the scheme of separating OpenSBI and EDK2. It follows PEI less 
  2) The boot flow is: ZSBL + FSBL + OpenSBI + EDK2 + GRUB2 + Linux OS.
     ZSBL initializes DDR and loads OpenSBI and EDK2 into memory from the SD 
     Boot Linux from SD Card, NVMe SSD.
  3) Clang toolchain support
     Build the port using the CLANGDWARF toolchain and the built binary can 
boot Linux OS.
  4) Milk-V Pioneer board support
     The latest firmware type of opensbi provided by Sophgo is replaced from 
     to fw_dynamic.bin. Currently, Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board has been tested and 
     to be compatible with Milk-V Pioneer board.

Work in progress:
  1) Add PCIe driver support
     Sophgo's engineer have added PCIe drivers, NVMe SSD over PCIe has been 
tested on EVB
     and Milk-V with no problems, and other PCIe devices are doing workaround. 
The PCIe
     driver should be upstreamed by Sophgo after completion of this patch 
series submission.
  4) Enable MMU
     Currently, set PcdCpuRiscVMmuMaxSatpMode to bare mode to avoid memory map 

Revision History:
Patch v5:
  This patch series provides the changes:
    1) Dropped PlatformUpdateMmuDxe patch.
       We tested Tuan's patch and currently set PcdCpuRiscVMmuMaxSatpMode to 
bare mode.
    2) Currently add memory nodes to zsbl's code, which makes the memory node's 
in the
       dt reverse-ordered by address. So add only lowest memory node in SEC 

Patch v4:
  The patch series can be seen at:
    (Between message 108756 and message 108764, total of nine patches)
  The patch series provides the changes:
    1) The patch 3&4 fix INF_VERSION to 1.27.
    2) Some of the code in patch 3&4 is based on the open source code provided 
by Sophgo,
       which is licensed under BDS-3. The patch 3&4 change license from BDS-3 
to BDS-2 by
       confirming with Sophgo.
    3) Add comments to the patch 5 indicates that OpenSBI 1.3/1.3.1 should be 
used, which
       fixed the no-mapping issue. The current OpenSBI provided by Sophgo is 
v1.2, and the
       dt provided by Sophgo does not use no-map, v1.3 is being actively 
    4) This version already supports Clang toolchain, which can be seen at

Patch v3:
  The patch series can be seen at:
    (Between message 108376 and message 108384, total of nine patches)
  The patch series provides the changes:
    1) Remove firmware context
       Reference to Andrei's branch, in the SEC module, the patch 5 avoids 
getting the FDT
       pointer from the firmware.
    2) Blurb
       The patch 0 adds some descriptions in Blurb to explain the current 
status, testing
       situation, and limitations of the project.
    3) Milk-V Pioneer board
       Running EDK2 on the Milk-V Pioneer board boots into UEFI shell normally, 
but the SD
       driver can't recognize all the partitions correctly and can't boot Linux 
    4) Layout
       Based on Leif's comment, we moved most of the code in the port from
    5) Clang toolchain support
       Our team tried to build the port using the CLANGDWARF toolchain (clang 
version 18.0.0),
       and updated for CLANGDWARF support. It's able to build 
successfully but the
       built binary is not fully work.

Patch v2:
  The patch series can be seen at:
    (Between message 108210 and message 108218, total of nine patches)
  The patch series provides the following changes:
    1) To avoid further duplication, the patch 2 adds a PlatformUpdateMmuDxe 
which contains two
       main features. The first feature is to change the page attributes 
corresponding to memory.
       The second feature is to introduce a PCD variable PcdForceNoMMU to 
disable MMU. Currently,
       enabling MMU results in a timeout for reading data blocks from the SD 
card, so MMU is
       disabled by default.
    2) No change in patch 5's memory initialization method. It's not guaranteed 
that you won't
       hit grub relocation overflow error with this method, but using this 
method at least masks
       the problem for the time being.

Patch v1:
  The patch series can be seen at:
    (Between message 107885 and message 107893, total of nine patches)
  The patch series provides the features:
    1) The patch 1 use standard SMBIOS modules.
    2) The patch 2 copy RISC-V MMU Library.
       SG2042 (Xuantie C920) MMU can be enabled in SV39 mode, but there are 
bugs with exception
       handling and MMC that need to be fixed, so MMU is disabled. Add this 
library is to ensure
       build successfully. So the RiscVConfigureMmu function was modified in 
patch 2 to set the
       satp mode to SATP_MODE_OFF.
    3) The SEC module in patch 5 has made a few changes compared to RiscVVirt.
       The memory space size of SG2042 EVB is determined by the number and size 
of DDRs inserted
       on the board. All memory in RiscVVirt is added in the SEC moudle, using 
       to initialize the system memory space for each memory node separately, 
but the actual
       MemoryLength is only the size of the first memory node. Therefore, 
       is called only once to initialize the total system memory.
    4) Use opensbi v1.2 instead of the latest v1.3.
       The opensbi for SG2042 is maintained by Sophgo and there are issues with 
using opensbi v1.3.
       Currently, v1.3 is being actively upgraded.

caiyuqing379 (7):
  Sophgo/SG2042Pkg: Add SmbiosPlatformDxe module.
  Sophgo/SG2042Pkg: Add Sophgo SDHCI driver.
  Sophgo/SG2042Pkg: Add base MMC driver.
  Sophgo/SG2042Pkg: Add SEC module.
  Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board: Add Sophgo SG2042 platform.
  Sophgo/SG2042Pkg: Add SG2042Pkg.
  Sophgo/SG2042Pkg: Add platform readme and document.

 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/SG2042.dec   |  19 +
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/SG2042Pkg.dec        |  34 +
 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/SG2042.dsc   | 557 +++++++++++
 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/SG2042.fdf   | 248 +++++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcDxe.inf       |  46 +
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHostDxe.inf |  48 +
 .../SmbiosPlatformDxe/SmbiosPlatformDxe.inf   |  39 +
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecMain.inf      |  68 ++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/Mmc.h | 513 ++++++++++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHci.h       | 309 ++++++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Include/MmcHost.h    | 225 +++++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecMain.h        | 104 ++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/ComponentName.c  | 156 +++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/Diagnostics.c    | 323 ++++++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/Mmc.c | 527 ++++++++++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcBlockIo.c     | 646 ++++++++++++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcDebug.c       | 194 ++++
 .../Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcIdentification.c        | 719 ++++++++++++++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHci.c       | 929 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHostDxe.c   | 449 +++++++++
 .../SmbiosPlatformDxe/SmbiosPlatformDxe.c     | 805 +++++++++++++++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/Cpu.c            |  29 +
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/Memory.c         | 327 ++++++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/Platform.c       | 130 +++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecMain.c        | 115 +++
 Platform/Sophgo/      |  55 ++
 .../Documents/Media/EDK2_SDU_Programme.png    | Bin 0 -> 59830 bytes
 .../Sophgo/Documents/Media/SG2042_CPU.png     | Bin 0 -> 806062 bytes
 .../Documents/Media/Sophgo_SG2042_EVB.png     | Bin 0 -> 1445528 bytes
 Platform/Sophgo/                | 105 ++
 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/    | 103 ++
 .../Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/    |  61 ++
 .../Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/  |  77 ++
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/SG2042Pkg.uni        |  13 +
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/SG2042PkgExtra.uni   |  12 +
 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecEntry.S       |  18 +
 36 files changed, 8003 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/SG2042.dec
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/SG2042Pkg.dec
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/SG2042.dsc
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/SG2042.fdf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcDxe.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHostDxe.inf
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecMain.inf
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/Mmc.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHci.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Include/MmcHost.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecMain.h
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/ComponentName.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/Diagnostics.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/Mmc.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcBlockIo.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcDebug.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/MmcDxe/MmcIdentification.c
 create mode 100755 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHci.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Drivers/SdHostDxe/SdHostDxe.c
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/Cpu.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/Memory.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/Platform.c
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecMain.c
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/Documents/Media/EDK2_SDU_Programme.png
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/Documents/Media/SG2042_CPU.png
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/Documents/Media/Sophgo_SG2042_EVB.png
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/
 create mode 100644 Platform/Sophgo/SG2042_EVB_Board/
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/SG2042Pkg.uni
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/SG2042PkgExtra.uni
 create mode 100644 Silicon/Sophgo/SG2042Pkg/Sec/SecEntry.S


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