This functions contain memory leaks.
Less identation helps to solve this issues.

Signed-off-by: Mike Maslenkin <>
 .../RedfishFeatureUtilityLib.c                | 289 +++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-)

diff --git 
index 8fa1dc2c3535..0941f33fd73a 100644
@@ -763,68 +763,69 @@ ApplyFeatureSettingsStringArrayType (
   Status = RedfishPlatformConfigGetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s failed: %r\n", __func__, Schema, 
Version, ConfigureLang, Status));
-  } else {
-    if (RedfishValue.Type != RedfishValueTypeStringArray) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s value is not string array type\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
-      return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    }
+    return Status;
+  }
+  if (RedfishValue.Type != RedfishValueTypeStringArray) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s value is not string array type\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+    return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  //
+  // If there is no change in array, do nothing
+  //
+  if (!CompareRedfishStringArrayValues (ArrayHead, 
RedfishValue.Value.StringArray, RedfishValue.ArrayCount)) {
-    // If there is no change in array, do nothing
+    // Apply settings from redfish
-    if (!CompareRedfishStringArrayValues (ArrayHead, 
RedfishValue.Value.StringArray, RedfishValue.ArrayCount)) {
-      //
-      // Apply settings from redfish
-      //
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY, "%a, %a.%a apply %s for array\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
-      FreeArrayTypeRedfishValue (&RedfishValue);
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY, "%a, %a.%a apply %s for array\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+    FreeArrayTypeRedfishValue (&RedfishValue);
-      //
-      // Convert array from RedfishCS_char_Array to EDKII_REDFISH_VALUE
-      //
-      RedfishValue.ArrayCount = 0;
-      Buffer                  = ArrayHead;
-      while (Buffer != NULL) {
-        RedfishValue.ArrayCount += 1;
-        Buffer                   = Buffer->Next;
-      }
+    //
+    // Convert array from RedfishCS_char_Array to EDKII_REDFISH_VALUE
+    //
+    RedfishValue.ArrayCount = 0;
+    Buffer                  = ArrayHead;
+    while (Buffer != NULL) {
+      RedfishValue.ArrayCount += 1;
+      Buffer                   = Buffer->Next;
+    }
-      //
-      // Allocate pool for new values
-      //
-      RedfishValue.Value.StringArray = AllocatePool (RedfishValue.ArrayCount 
*sizeof (CHAR8 *));
-      if (RedfishValue.Value.StringArray == NULL) {
+    //
+    // Allocate pool for new values
+    //
+    RedfishValue.Value.StringArray = AllocatePool (RedfishValue.ArrayCount 
*sizeof (CHAR8 *));
+    if (RedfishValue.Value.StringArray == NULL) {
+      ASSERT (FALSE);
+      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+    }
+    Buffer = ArrayHead;
+    Index  = 0;
+    while (Buffer != NULL) {
+      RedfishValue.Value.StringArray[Index] = AllocateCopyPool (AsciiStrSize 
(Buffer->ArrayValue), Buffer->ArrayValue);
+      if (RedfishValue.Value.StringArray[Index] == NULL) {
         ASSERT (FALSE);
         return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-      Buffer = ArrayHead;
-      Index  = 0;
-      while (Buffer != NULL) {
-        RedfishValue.Value.StringArray[Index] = AllocateCopyPool (AsciiStrSize 
(Buffer->ArrayValue), Buffer->ArrayValue);
-        if (RedfishValue.Value.StringArray[Index] == NULL) {
-          ASSERT (FALSE);
-          return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-        }
-        Buffer = Buffer->Next;
-        Index++;
-      }
+      Buffer = Buffer->Next;
+      Index++;
+    }
-      ASSERT (Index <= RedfishValue.ArrayCount);
+    ASSERT (Index <= RedfishValue.ArrayCount);
-      Status = RedfishPlatformConfigSetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
-      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        //
-        // Configuration changed. Enable system reboot flag.
-        //
-      } else {
-        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, apply %s array failed: %r\n", __func__, 
ConfigureLang, Status));
-      }
+    Status = RedfishPlatformConfigSetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      //
+      // Configuration changed. Enable system reboot flag.
+      //
     } else {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s array value has no change\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, apply %s array failed: %r\n", __func__, 
ConfigureLang, Status));
+  } else {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s array value has no change\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
   return Status;
@@ -866,63 +867,64 @@ ApplyFeatureSettingsNumericArrayType (
   Status = RedfishPlatformConfigGetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s failed: %r\n", __func__, Schema, 
Version, ConfigureLang, Status));
-  } else {
-    if (RedfishValue.Type != RedfishValueTypeIntegerArray) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s value is not string array type\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
-      return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    }
+    return Status;
+  }
+  if (RedfishValue.Type != RedfishValueTypeIntegerArray) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s value is not string array type\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+    return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  //
+  // If there is no change in array, do nothing
+  //
+  if (!CompareRedfishNumericArrayValues (ArrayHead, 
RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray, RedfishValue.ArrayCount)) {
-    // If there is no change in array, do nothing
+    // Apply settings from redfish
-    if (!CompareRedfishNumericArrayValues (ArrayHead, 
RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray, RedfishValue.ArrayCount)) {
-      //
-      // Apply settings from redfish
-      //
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY, "%a, %a.%a apply %s for array\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
-      FreeArrayTypeRedfishValue (&RedfishValue);
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY, "%a, %a.%a apply %s for array\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+    FreeArrayTypeRedfishValue (&RedfishValue);
-      //
-      // Convert array from RedfishCS_int64_Array to EDKII_REDFISH_VALUE
-      //
-      RedfishValue.ArrayCount = 0;
-      Buffer                  = ArrayHead;
-      while (Buffer != NULL) {
-        RedfishValue.ArrayCount += 1;
-        Buffer                   = Buffer->Next;
-      }
+    //
+    // Convert array from RedfishCS_int64_Array to EDKII_REDFISH_VALUE
+    //
+    RedfishValue.ArrayCount = 0;
+    Buffer                  = ArrayHead;
+    while (Buffer != NULL) {
+      RedfishValue.ArrayCount += 1;
+      Buffer                   = Buffer->Next;
+    }
-      //
-      // Allocate pool for new values
-      //
-      RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray = AllocatePool (RedfishValue.ArrayCount 
* sizeof (INT64));
-      if (RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray == NULL) {
-        ASSERT (FALSE);
-        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-      }
+    //
+    // Allocate pool for new values
+    //
+    RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray = AllocatePool (RedfishValue.ArrayCount * 
sizeof (INT64));
+    if (RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray == NULL) {
+      ASSERT (FALSE);
+      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+    }
-      Buffer = ArrayHead;
-      Index  = 0;
-      while (Buffer != NULL) {
-        RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray[Index] = (INT64)*Buffer->ArrayValue;
-        Buffer                                 = Buffer->Next;
-        Index++;
-      }
+    Buffer = ArrayHead;
+    Index  = 0;
+    while (Buffer != NULL) {
+      RedfishValue.Value.IntegerArray[Index] = (INT64)*Buffer->ArrayValue;
+      Buffer                                 = Buffer->Next;
+      Index++;
+    }
-      ASSERT (Index <= RedfishValue.ArrayCount);
+    ASSERT (Index <= RedfishValue.ArrayCount);
-      Status = RedfishPlatformConfigSetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
-      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        //
-        // Configuration changed. Enable system reboot flag.
-        //
-      } else {
-        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, apply %s array failed: %r\n", __func__, 
ConfigureLang, Status));
-      }
+    Status = RedfishPlatformConfigSetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      //
+      // Configuration changed. Enable system reboot flag.
+      //
     } else {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s array value has no change\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, apply %s array failed: %r\n", __func__, 
ConfigureLang, Status));
+  } else {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s array value has no change\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
   return Status;
@@ -964,63 +966,64 @@ ApplyFeatureSettingsBooleanArrayType (
   Status = RedfishPlatformConfigGetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
   if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
     DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s failed: %r\n", __func__, Schema, 
Version, ConfigureLang, Status));
-  } else {
-    if (RedfishValue.Type != RedfishValueTypeBooleanArray) {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s value is not string array type\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
-      return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
-    }
+    return Status;
+  }
+  if (RedfishValue.Type != RedfishValueTypeBooleanArray) {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s value is not string array type\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+    return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;
+  }
+  //
+  // If there is no change in array, do nothing
+  //
+  if (!CompareRedfishBooleanArrayValues (ArrayHead, 
RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray, RedfishValue.ArrayCount)) {
-    // If there is no change in array, do nothing
+    // Apply settings from redfish
-    if (!CompareRedfishBooleanArrayValues (ArrayHead, 
RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray, RedfishValue.ArrayCount)) {
-      //
-      // Apply settings from redfish
-      //
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY, "%a, %a.%a apply %s for array\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
-      FreeArrayTypeRedfishValue (&RedfishValue);
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_MANAGEABILITY, "%a, %a.%a apply %s for array\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+    FreeArrayTypeRedfishValue (&RedfishValue);
-      //
-      // Convert array from RedfishCS_int64_Array to EDKII_REDFISH_VALUE
-      //
-      RedfishValue.ArrayCount = 0;
-      Buffer                  = ArrayHead;
-      while (Buffer != NULL) {
-        RedfishValue.ArrayCount += 1;
-        Buffer                   = Buffer->Next;
-      }
+    //
+    // Convert array from RedfishCS_int64_Array to EDKII_REDFISH_VALUE
+    //
+    RedfishValue.ArrayCount = 0;
+    Buffer                  = ArrayHead;
+    while (Buffer != NULL) {
+      RedfishValue.ArrayCount += 1;
+      Buffer                   = Buffer->Next;
+    }
-      //
-      // Allocate pool for new values
-      //
-      RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray = AllocatePool (RedfishValue.ArrayCount 
* sizeof (BOOLEAN));
-      if (RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray == NULL) {
-        ASSERT (FALSE);
-        return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
-      }
+    //
+    // Allocate pool for new values
+    //
+    RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray = AllocatePool (RedfishValue.ArrayCount * 
sizeof (BOOLEAN));
+    if (RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray == NULL) {
+      ASSERT (FALSE);
+      return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+    }
-      Buffer = ArrayHead;
-      Index  = 0;
-      while (Buffer != NULL) {
-        RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray[Index] = (BOOLEAN)*Buffer->ArrayValue;
-        Buffer                                 = Buffer->Next;
-        Index++;
-      }
+    Buffer = ArrayHead;
+    Index  = 0;
+    while (Buffer != NULL) {
+      RedfishValue.Value.BooleanArray[Index] = (BOOLEAN)*Buffer->ArrayValue;
+      Buffer                                 = Buffer->Next;
+      Index++;
+    }
-      ASSERT (Index <= RedfishValue.ArrayCount);
+    ASSERT (Index <= RedfishValue.ArrayCount);
-      Status = RedfishPlatformConfigSetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
-      if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
-        //
-        // Configuration changed. Enable system reboot flag.
-        //
-      } else {
-        DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, apply %s array failed: %r\n", __func__, 
ConfigureLang, Status));
-      }
+    Status = RedfishPlatformConfigSetValue (Schema, Version, ConfigureLang, 
+    if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+      //
+      // Configuration changed. Enable system reboot flag.
+      //
     } else {
-      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s array value has no change\n", 
__func__, Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
+      DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, apply %s array failed: %r\n", __func__, 
ConfigureLang, Status));
+  } else {
+    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "%a, %a.%a %s array value has no change\n", __func__, 
Schema, Version, ConfigureLang));
   return Status;
2.32.0 (Apple Git-132)

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