> Using 5level paging when the below two conditions are both true:
>   1. CPU support 5level paging
>   2. Platform choose to use 5level paging. (by specifing macro 
> There is an assumption that if platform choose to use 5level paging,
> then 5level paging should be supported by CPU. (Platform should know
> its CPU capability)

That assumption does not hold for virtual machines.  OVMF builds with
5-level paging support enabled should continue to work on CPUs without
5-level paging support.

> If Platform choose to use 4level paging at build time, we can save 4K space 
> by not creating the 5 level page.

I'm fine with that.

But with 5-level paging enabled the reset vector should be able to
fallback to 4-level paging in case the CPU does not support 5-level

take care,

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