
> Now, there *is* one benefit I can imagine. For Intel maintainers, it may
> be difficult to maintain and to "route around" the SEV-related stuff in
> "X64/MpFuncs.nasm", in the long term. I can wholly accept that. So
> splitting and duplicating the assembly code for that purpose is
> justified. But then the commit message should state this, and not
> present "staying in 64-bit" as a benefit per se.
> Then the purpose is to ease the assembly code maintenance for Intel
> developers. Entirely justified goal in my view; nobody likes to work
> with complicated code they can't regression-test (and I presume Intel
> developers can't easily test the various SEV enablement levels in-house,
> on a range of AMD processors).

Which is exactly why I suggested to catch the SEV case by checking the
PCD we have for that in C code.  That'll also remove the confusion we
have right now wrt intel + amd processors.  The special case we have to
worry about is SEV being active, not running on a AMD processor.  In
case SEV is not active we'll just have the IA32 and X64 cases.

take care,

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