- Resolve ToDo

CorePeiInclude.dsc, CorePostMemoryInclude.fdf
- MinPlatformPkg should not consume advanced feature content directly.
- I dislike conditioning the performance on boot to shell.  Please remove.
Basically, items can be removed in stage 7 (optimization) if they are not 
desired.  I think that performance info should be ubiquitous, so just 
unconditionally include this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Doron <benjamin.doro...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 1:36 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Chiu, Chasel <chasel.c...@intel.com>; Desimone, Nathaniel L 
<nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>; Sinha, Ankit <ankit.si...@intel.com>; Oram, 
Isaac W <isaac.w.o...@intel.com>; Gao, Liming <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>; Dong, 
Eric <eric.d...@intel.com>
Subject: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 4/5] MinPlatformPkg: Implement 
working S3 resume

Consume S3 resume memory allocation on resume flow.

Also, include complementary FirmwarePerformanceDataTablePei module in 
MinPlatform FV for S3 resume performance measurement.

Cc: Chasel Chiu <chasel.c...@intel.com>
Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
Cc: Ankit Sinha <ankit.si...@intel.com>
Cc: Isaac Oram <isaac.w.o...@intel.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
Cc: Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Doron <benjamin.doro...@gmail.com>
 .../FspWrapperHobProcessLib.c                 | 70 ++++++++++++++++++-
 .../PeiFspWrapperHobProcessLib.inf            |  2 +
 .../Include/Dsc/CorePeiInclude.dsc            |  4 ++
 .../Include/Fdf/CorePostMemoryInclude.fdf     |  4 ++
 4 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git 
index 7ee4d3a31c49..992ec5d41bd8 100644
+++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/FspWrapper/Library/PeiFspWrapperHobP
+++ rocessLib/FspWrapperHobProcessLib.c
@@ -16,14 +16,17 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent  #include 
<Library/HobLib.h> #include <Library/PcdLib.h> #include 
<Library/FspWrapperPlatformLib.h>+#include <Guid/AcpiS3Context.h> #include 
<Guid/GuidHobFspEas.h> #include <Guid/MemoryTypeInformation.h> #include 
<Guid/GraphicsInfoHob.h> #include <Guid/PcdDataBaseHobGuid.h> #include 
<Guid/ZeroGuid.h> #include <Ppi/Capsule.h>+#include <Ppi/ReadOnlyVariable2.h>  
#include <FspEas.h>+#include <AcpiS3MemoryNvData.h>  // // Additional pages are 
used by DXE memory manager.@@ -130,6 +133,55 @@ GetPeiMemSize (
   return MinSize + Size + PEI_ADDITIONAL_MEMORY_SIZE; } +/**+  Get S3 PEI 
memory information.++  @note At this point, memory is ready, and PeiServices 
are available to use.+  Platform can get some data from SMRAM directly.++  
@param[out] S3PeiMemSize  PEI memory size to be installed in S3 phase.+  
@param[out] S3PeiMemBase  PEI memory base to be installed in S3 phase.++  
@return If S3 PEI memory information is got 
successfully.+**/+EFI_STATUS+EFIAPI+GetS3MemoryInfo (+  OUT UINT64              
  *S3PeiMemSize,+  OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  *S3PeiMemBase+  )+{+  EFI_STATUS   
                    Status;+  EFI_PEI_READ_ONLY_VARIABLE2_PPI  *VariablePpi;+  
UINTN                            DataSize;+  ACPI_S3_MEMORY                   
S3MemoryInfo;++  *S3PeiMemBase = 0;+  *S3PeiMemSize = 0;++  Status = 
PeiServicesLocatePpi (&gEfiPeiReadOnlyVariable2PpiGuid, 0, NULL, (VOID **) 
&VariablePpi);+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);++  DataSize = sizeof 
(S3MemoryInfo);+  Status = VariablePpi->GetVariable (+                          
VariablePpi,+                          ACPI_S3_MEMORY_NV_NAME,+                 
         &gEfiAcpiVariableGuid,+                          NULL,+                
          &DataSize,+                          &S3MemoryInfo+                   
       );+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);++  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {+    return 
Status;+  }++  *S3PeiMemBase = S3MemoryInfo.S3PeiMemBase;+  *S3PeiMemSize = 
S3MemoryInfo.S3PeiMemSize;+  return EFI_SUCCESS;+}+ /**   Post FSP-M HOB 
process for Memory Resource Descriptor. @@ -280,7 +332,7 @@ PostFspmHobProcess (
     0x1000     ); -+  if (BootMode != BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME) {     //     // 
Capsule mode     //@@ -337,7 +389,23 @@ PostFspmHobProcess (
     if (Capsule != NULL) {       Status = Capsule->CreateState 
((EFI_PEI_SERVICES **)PeiServices, CapsuleBuffer, CapsuleBufferLength);     }+  
} else {+    // TODO: Must BuildResourceDescriptorHob()?+    Status = 
GetS3MemoryInfo (&PeiMemSize, &PeiMemBase);+    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); +    
DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "S3 resume PeiMemBase        : 0x%08x\n", PeiMemBase));+    
DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "S3 resume PeiMemSize        : 0x%08x\n", PeiMemSize));++   
 //+    // Install efi memory+    //+    Status = PeiServicesInstallPeiMemory 
(+               PeiMemBase,+               PeiMemSize+               );+    
ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);+  }    //   // Create a memory allocation HOB at 
fixed location for MP Services PPI AP wait loop.diff --git 
index b846e7af1d2d..e2aac36bf018 100644
+++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/FspWrapper/Library/PeiFspWrapperHobP
+++ rocessLib/PeiFspWrapperHobProcessLib.inf
@@ -75,7 +75,9 @@
   gZeroGuid   gEfiGraphicsInfoHobGuid   gEfiGraphicsDeviceInfoHobGuid+  
gEfiAcpiVariableGuid  [Ppis]   gEfiPeiCapsulePpiGuid                            
       ## CONSUMES+  gEfiPeiReadOnlyVariable2PpiGuid                         ## 
CONSUMES   gEdkiiSiliconInitializedPpiGuid                         ## 
PRODUCESdiff --git 
index 08e50cac075f..0eb0cc8306ee 100644
--- a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CorePeiInclude.dsc
+++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Dsc/CorePeiInclude.dsc
@@ -41,3 +41,7 @@
  } !endif++!if gMinPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdBootToShellOnly == FALSE && 
gS3FeaturePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdS3FeatureEnable == TRUE+  
 --git a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CorePostMemoryInclude.fdf 
index 3c2716d6728a..d8fb6683f7d4 100644
--- a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CorePostMemoryInclude.fdf
+++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/Fdf/CorePostMemoryInclude.fd
+++ f
@@ -6,3 +6,7 @@
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ##++!if 
gMinPlatformPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdBootToShellOnly == FALSE && 
gS3FeaturePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdS3FeatureEnable == TRUE+  INF  

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