- remove commented out code

  # Add library instances here that are not included in package components and 
should be tested
  # in the package build.
- These comments don't make a lot of sense to me in the feature include DSC.  
Looks like cut and paste propagation that is not appropriate here.  Note 
instances in Components.IA32 and Components.X64 sections.

  # NOTE: RSC will be after end-of-BS, use DebugLibSerialPort
  # - No gBS in SerialPortInitialize()
  # - No global assigns after ReadyToLock possible, due to LockBox copy
- These comments also don't make sense to me

- infromation should be "information" in multiple instances
- GetPeiMemSize - Generally we would prefer #defines in .h or near top of the 
file after includes and before function prototypes and implementations.
- Resolve ToDo

- Resolve ToDo and TODO/TEST


-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Doron <benjamin.doro...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2022 1:36 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Desimone, Nathaniel L <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>; Sinha, Ankit 
<ankit.si...@intel.com>; Chaganty, Rangasai V <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>; 
Oram, Isaac W <isaac.w.o...@intel.com>; Gao, Liming <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
Subject: [edk2-devel][edk2-platforms][PATCH v1 3/5] S3FeaturePkg: Implement 
working S3 resume

Follow-up commits to MinPlatform (PeiFspWrapperHobProcessLib for
memory) and FSP-related board libraries (policy overrides) required for 
successful S3 resume.

Factored allocation logic into new module to avoid MinPlatform dependency on 
S3Feature package.

TODO: Can optimise required size.

Cc: Nate DeSimone <nathaniel.l.desim...@intel.com>
Cc: Ankit Sinha <ankit.si...@intel.com>
Cc: Sai Chaganty <rangasai.v.chaga...@intel.com>
Cc: Isaac Oram <isaac.w.o...@intel.com>
Cc: Liming Gao <gaolim...@byosoft.com.cn>
Signed-off-by: Benjamin Doron <benjamin.doro...@gmail.com>
 .../S3FeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf       |  15 ++
 .../S3FeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf        |   8 +-
 .../S3FeaturePkg/Include/S3Feature.dsc        |  42 ++++-
 .../S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.c                | 156 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.inf              |  49 ++++++
 .../S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.c                |  83 +++++++++-
 .../S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.inf              |   8 +-
 .../Include/AcpiS3MemoryNvData.h              |  22 +++
 8 files changed, 375 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.inf
 create mode 100644 Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/AcpiS3MemoryNvData.h

diff --git a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf 
index 9e17f853c630..5d3d96f4f317 100644
--- a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PostMemory.fdf
@@ -2,7 +2,22 @@
 #  FDF file for post-memory S3 advanced feature modules. # # Copyright (c) 
2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>+# Copyright (c) 2022, Baruch 
Binyamin Doron.<BR> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ##++## 
Dependencies+  INF UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCommunication/PiSmmCommunicationSmm.inf+  
INF MdeModulePkg/Universal/LockBox/SmmLockBox/SmmLockBox.inf++## Save-state 
module stack+  INF S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.inf+  INF 
MdeModulePkg/Universal/Acpi/S3SaveStateDxe/S3SaveStateDxe.inf+  # FSP may 
perform CPU finalisation, requires CpuInitDxe from closed code+  # - Presently, 
PiSmmCpuDxeSmm shall perform finalisation with this data+  INF 
UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.inf++## Restore-state module stack+  INF 
--git a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf 
index fdd16a4e0356..e130fa5f098d 100644
--- a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/PreMemory.fdf
@@ -2,9 +2,15 @@
 #  FDF file for pre-memory S3 advanced feature modules. # # Copyright (c) 
2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>+# Copyright (c) 2022, Baruch 
Binyamin Doron.<BR> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ## -INF 
S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.inf+## Dependencies+  INF 
S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.inf+  INF 
UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCommunication/PiSmmCommunicationPei.inf++## Restore-state 
module stack+  INF UefiCpuPkg/Universal/Acpi/S3Resume2Pei/S3Resume2Pei.infdiff 
--git a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/S3Feature.dsc 
index cc34e785076a..bf45b56258ff 100644
--- a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/S3Feature.dsc
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/Include/S3Feature.dsc
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 # for the build infrastructure. # # Copyright (c) 2019 - 2021, Intel 
Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>+# Copyright (c) 2022, Baruch Binyamin 
Doron.<BR> # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent #@@ -25,6 +26,10 @@
     !error "DXE_ARCH must be specified to build this feature!"   !endif 
+[PcdsFixedAtBuild]+  # Attempts to improve performance at the cost of more 
DRAM usage+  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdShadowPeimOnS3Boot|TRUE+ 
 # # Library Class section - list of all Library Classes needed by this 
feature.@@ -32,7 +37,15 @@
#######################################+  # Edk2 Packages+  
 #@@ -65,3 +78,30 @@
    # Add components here that should be included in the package build.   
UefiCpuPkg/Universal/Acpi/S3Resume2Pei/S3Resume2Pei.inf++#+# Feature DXE 
Components+#++# @todo: Change below line to [Components.$(DXE_ARCH)] after 
https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2308+#        is 
completed.+[Components.X64]+  #####################################+  # S3 
Feature Package+  #####################################++  # Add library 
instances here that are not included in package components and should be 
tested+  # in the package build.++  # Add components here that should be 
included in the package build.+  
UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.inf+  # NOTE: RSC will be after end-of-BS, 
use DebugLibSerialPort+  # - No gBS in SerialPortInitialize()+  # - No global 
assigns after ReadyToLock possible, due to LockBox copy+  
--git a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.c 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b3fb63e2bc33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+/** @file+  Source code file for S3 DXE module++Copyright (c) 2022, Baruch 
Binyamin Doron.<BR>+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent++**/++#include 
<PiDxe.h>+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>+#include 
<Library/DebugLib.h>+#include <Library/PcdLib.h>+#include 
<Library/UefiLib.h>+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>+#include 
<Guid/AcpiS3Context.h>+#include <Guid/MemoryTypeInformation.h>+#include 
<AcpiS3MemoryNvData.h>++/**+  Get the mem size in memory type infromation 
table.++  @return the mem size in memory type infromation 
table.+**/+UINT64+EFIAPI+GetMemorySizeInMemoryTypeInformation (+  VOID+  )+{+  
EFI_STATUS                  Status;+  EFI_MEMORY_TYPE_INFORMATION *MemoryData;+ 
 UINT8                       Index;+  UINTN                       
TempPageNum;++  Status = EfiGetSystemConfigurationTable 
(&gEfiMemoryTypeInformationGuid, (VOID **) &MemoryData);++  if (EFI_ERROR 
(Status) || MemoryData == NULL) {+    return 0;+  }++  TempPageNum = 0;+  for 
(Index = 0; MemoryData[Index].Type != EfiMaxMemoryType; Index++) {+    //+    
// Accumulate default memory size requirements+    //+    TempPageNum += 
MemoryData[Index].NumberOfPages;+  }++  return TempPageNum * 
EFI_PAGE_SIZE;+}++/**+  Get the mem size need to be consumed and reserved for 
PEI phase resume.++  @return the mem size to be reserved for PEI phase 
resume.+**/+UINT64+EFIAPI+GetPeiMemSize (+  VOID+  )+{+  #define 
PEI_ADDITIONAL_MEMORY_SIZE    (16 * EFI_PAGE_SIZE)++  UINT64                    
  Size;++  Size = GetMemorySizeInMemoryTypeInformation ();++  return PcdGet32 
(PcdPeiMinMemSize) + Size + PEI_ADDITIONAL_MEMORY_SIZE;+}++/**+  Allocate 
EfiACPIMemoryNVS below 4G memory address.++  This function allocates 
EfiACPIMemoryNVS below 4G memory address.++  @param  Size         Size of 
memory to allocate.++  @return Allocated address for output.++**/+VOID 
*+EFIAPI+AllocateAcpiNvsMemoryBelow4G (+  IN   UINTN  Size+  )+{+  UINTN        
         Pages;+  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS  Address;+  EFI_STATUS            
Status;+  VOID                  *Buffer;++  Pages   = EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES 
(Size);+  Address = 0xffffffff;++  Status = gBS->AllocatePages (+               
   AllocateMaxAddress,+                  EfiACPIMemoryNVS,+                  
Pages,+                  &Address+                  );+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR 
(Status);++  Buffer = (VOID *)(UINTN)Address;+  ZeroMem (Buffer, Size);++  
return Buffer;+}++/**+  Allocates memory to use on S3 resume.++  @param[in]  
ImageHandle          Not used.+  @param[in]  SystemTable          General 
purpose services available to every DXE driver.++  @retval     EFI_SUCCESS      
    The function completes successfully+  @retval     EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES 
Insufficient resources to create database+**/+EFI_STATUS+EFIAPI+S3DxeEntryPoint 
(+  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,+  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable+  
)+{+  UINT64          S3PeiMemSize;+  UINT64          S3PeiMemBase;+  
ACPI_S3_MEMORY  S3MemoryInfo;+  EFI_STATUS      Status;++  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, 
"%a() Start\n", __FUNCTION__));++  S3PeiMemSize = GetPeiMemSize ();+  
S3PeiMemBase = (UINTN) AllocateAcpiNvsMemoryBelow4G (S3PeiMemSize);+  ASSERT 
(S3PeiMemBase != 0);++  S3MemoryInfo.S3PeiMemBase = S3PeiMemBase;+  
S3MemoryInfo.S3PeiMemSize = S3PeiMemSize;++  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "S3PeiMemBase: 
0x%x\n", S3PeiMemBase));+  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "S3PeiMemSize: 0x%x\n", 
S3PeiMemSize));++  // TODO: LockBox is potentially superior, though requires 
static location+  Status = gRT->SetVariable (+                  
ACPI_S3_MEMORY_NV_NAME,+                  &gEfiAcpiVariableGuid,+               
  sizeof (S3MemoryInfo),+                  &S3MemoryInfo+                  );+  
ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);++  DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a() End\n", 
__FUNCTION__));+  return EFI_SUCCESS;+}diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..28589c2c869b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Dxe/S3Dxe.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+### @file+# Component information file for the S3 DXE module.+#+# Copyright 
(c) 2022, Baruch Binyamin Doron.<BR>+#+# SPDX-License-Identifier: 
BSD-2-Clause-Patent+#+###++[Defines]+  INF_VERSION       = 0x00010017+  
BASE_NAME         = S3Dxe+  FILE_GUID         = 
30926F92-CC83-4381-9F70-AC96EDB5BEE0+  VERSION_STRING    = 1.0+  MODULE_TYPE    
   = DXE_DRIVER+  ENTRY_POINT       = S3DxeEntryPoint++[LibraryClasses]+  
UefiDriverEntryPoint+  UefiBootServicesTableLib+  UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib+  
BaseMemoryLib+  DebugLib+  PcdLib+  UefiLib++[Packages]+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec+  
MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec+  MinPlatformPkg/MinPlatformPkg.dec+  
S3FeaturePkg/S3FeaturePkg.dec++[Sources]+  S3Dxe.c++[Pcd]+  
gEfiMemoryTypeInformationGuid  ## CONSUMES+  gEfiAcpiVariableGuid           ## 
CONSUMES++[Depex]+  gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid      AND+  
gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuiddiff --git 
index b0aaa04962c8..6acb894b6fc9 100644
--- a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.c
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.c
@@ -2,12 +2,87 @@
   Source code file for S3 PEI module  Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. 
All rights reserved.<BR>+Copyright (c) 2022, Baruch Binyamin Doron.<BR> 
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent  **/ +#include <PiPei.h>+#include 
<Library/DebugLib.h>+#include <Library/PciLib.h> #include 
<Library/PeiServicesLib.h> #include <Library/SmmAccessLib.h>+#include 
<Library/SmmControlLib.h>++// TODO: Finalise implementation factoring+#define 
R_SA_PAM0  (0x80)+#define R_SA_PAM5  (0x85)+#define R_SA_PAM6  (0x86)++/**+  
This function is called after FspSiliconInitDone installed PPI.+  For FSP API 
mode, this is when FSP-M HOBs are installed into EDK2.++  @param[in] 
PeiServices    Pointer to PEI Services Table.+  @param[in] NotifyDesc     
Pointer to the descriptor for the Notification event that+                      
      caused this function to execute.+  @param[in] Ppi            Pointer to 
the PPI data associated with this function.++  @retval EFI_STATUS        Always 
return EFI_SUCCESS+**/+EFI_STATUS+EFIAPI+FspSiliconInitDoneNotify (+  IN 
*NotifyDesc,+  IN VOID                       *Ppi+  )+{+  EFI_STATUS     
Status;+  EFI_BOOT_MODE  BootMode;+  UINT64         MchBaseAddress;++  Status = 
PeiServicesGetBootMode (&BootMode);+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);++  // Enable 
PAM regions for AP wakeup vector (resume)+  // - CPU is finalised by 
PiSmmCpuDxeSmm, not FSP. So, it's safe here?+  // TODO/TEST: coreboot does this 
unconditionally, vendor FWs may not (test resume). Should we?+  // - It is 
certainly interesting that only PAM0, PAM5 and PAM6 are defined for 
KabylakeSiliconPkg.+  // - Also note that 0xA0000-0xFFFFF is marked "reserved" 
in FSP HOB - this does not mean+  //   that the memory is unusable, perhaps 
this is precisely because it will contain+  //   the AP wakeup vector.+  if 
(BootMode == BOOT_ON_S3_RESUME) {+    MchBaseAddress = PCI_LIB_ADDRESS (0, 0, 
0, 0);+    PciWrite8 (MchBaseAddress + R_SA_PAM0, 0x30);+    PciWrite8 
(MchBaseAddress + (R_SA_PAM0 + 1), 0x33);+    PciWrite8 (MchBaseAddress + 
(R_SA_PAM0 + 2), 0x33);+    PciWrite8 (MchBaseAddress + (R_SA_PAM0 + 3), 
0x33);+    PciWrite8 (MchBaseAddress + (R_SA_PAM0 + 4), 0x33);+    PciWrite8 
(MchBaseAddress + R_SA_PAM5, 0x33);+    PciWrite8 (MchBaseAddress + R_SA_PAM6, 
0x33);+  }++  //+  // Install EFI_PEI_MM_ACCESS_PPI for S3 resume case+  //+  
Status = PeiInstallSmmAccessPpi ();+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);++  //+  // 
Install EFI_PEI_MM_CONTROL_PPI for S3 resume case+  //+  Status = 
PeiInstallSmmControlPpi ();+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);++  return 
Status;+}++EFI_PEI_NOTIFY_DESCRIPTOR  mFspSiliconInitDoneNotifyDesc = {+  
FspSiliconInitDoneNotify+};  /**   S3 PEI module entry point@@ -25,12 +100,10 
@@ S3PeiEntryPoint (
   IN CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices   ) {-  EFI_STATUS Status;+  
EFI_STATUS  Status; -  //-  // Install EFI_PEI_MM_ACCESS_PPI for S3 resume 
case-  //-  Status = PeiInstallSmmAccessPpi ();+  Status = PeiServicesNotifyPpi 
(&mFspSiliconInitDoneNotifyDesc);+  ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);    return 
Status; }diff --git 
index e485eac9521f..173919bb881e 100644
--- a/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.inf
+++ b/Features/Intel/PowerManagement/S3FeaturePkg/S3Pei/S3Pei.inf
@@ -18,10 +18,13 @@
 [LibraryClasses]   PeimEntryPoint   PeiServicesLib+  DebugLib   SmmAccessLib+  
SmmControlLib  [Packages]   MdePkg/MdePkg.dec+  
IntelSiliconPkg/IntelSiliconPkg.dec   S3FeaturePkg/S3FeaturePkg.dec @@ -31,5 
+34,8 @@
 [FeaturePcd]   gS3FeaturePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdS3FeatureEnable +[Ppis]+  
gFspSiliconInitDonePpiGuid+ [Depex]-  gEfiPeiMemoryDiscoveredPpiGuid+  TRUEdiff 
--git a/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/AcpiS3MemoryNvData.h 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d75af8e9a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platform/Intel/MinPlatformPkg/Include/AcpiS3MemoryNvData.h
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/** @file
+  Header file for NV data structure definition.
+Copyright (c) 2021, Baruch Binyamin Doron
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef __ACPI_S3_MEMORY_NV_DATA_H__
+#define __ACPI_S3_MEMORY_NV_DATA_H__
+// NV data structure
+typedef struct {
+  UINT64  S3PeiMemBase;
+  UINT64  S3PeiMemSize;
+#define ACPI_S3_MEMORY_NV_NAME  L"S3MemoryInfo"

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