On 7/18/22 08:18, Ni, Ray via groups.io wrote:
The lib includes two APIs:
* PageTableMap
   It creates/updates mapping from LA to PA.
   The implementation only supports paging structures used in 64bit
   mode now. PAE paging structure support will be added in future.

* PageTableParse
    It parses the page table and returns the mapping relations in an
   array of IA32_MAP_ENTRY.

It passed some stress tests. These test code will be upstreamed in
other patches following edk2 Unit Test framework.

Signed-off-by: Ray Ni <ray...@intel.com>
Cc: Eric Dong <eric.d...@intel.com>

Hi Ray,

How do you envision this library working with SEV and/or TDX which use the one of the bits in PageTableBaseAddress to indicate whether the page is encrypted or shared? For SEV, the encryption mask is set in the PcdPteMemoryEncryptionAddressOrMask PCD, are you planning on using that at all or is it expected that caller will set/clear the appropriate bits in the PageTableBaseAddress field?


  UefiCpuPkg/Include/Library/CpuPageTableLib.h  | 129 +++++
  .../Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTable.h    | 204 +++++++
  .../CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableLib.inf       |  35 ++
  .../Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c | 543 ++++++++++++++++++
  .../CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableParse.c       | 330 +++++++++++
  UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec                     |   3 +
  UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc                     |   4 +-
  7 files changed, 1247 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
  create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Include/Library/CpuPageTableLib.h
  create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTable.h
  create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableLib.inf
  create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c
  create mode 100644 UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableParse.c

diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Include/Library/CpuPageTableLib.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dc9b7d18e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Include/Library/CpuPageTableLib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+/** @file
+  Public include file for PageTableLib library.
+  Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef PAGE_TABLE_LIB_H_
+#define PAGE_TABLE_LIB_H_
+typedef union {
+  struct {
+    UINT64    Present              : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory, 1 = 
Present in memory
+    UINT64    ReadWrite            : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
+    UINT64    UserSupervisor       : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
+    UINT64    WriteThrough         : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching, 
1=Write-Through caching
+    UINT64    CacheDisabled        : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
+    UINT64    Accessed             : 1; // 0 = Not accessed, 1 = Accessed (set 
by CPU)
+    UINT64    Dirty                : 1; // 0 = Not dirty, 1 = Dirty (set by 
+    UINT64    Pat                  : 1; // PAT
+    UINT64    Global               : 1; // 0 = Not global, 1 = Global (if 
CR4.PGE = 1)
+    UINT64    Reserved1            : 3; // Ignored
+    UINT64    PageTableBaseAddress : 40; // Page Table Base Address
+    UINT64    Reserved2            : 7;  // Ignored
+    UINT64    ProtectionKey        : 4;  // Protection key
+    UINT64    Nx                   : 1;  // No Execute bit
+  } Bits;
+  UINT64    Uint64;
+#define IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS(pa)  ((pa)->Uint64 & 
+#define IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES(pa)               ((pa)->Uint64 & 
+// Below enum follows "4.1.1 Four Paging Modes" in Chapter 4 Paging of SDM 
Volume 3.
+// Page1GB is only supported in 4-level and 5-level.
+typedef enum {
+  Paging32bit,
+  //
+  // High byte in paging mode indicates the max levels of the page table.
+  // Low byte in paging mode indicates the max level that can be a leaf entry.
+  //
+  PagingPae = 0x0302,
+  Paging4Level    = 0x0402,
+  Paging4Level1GB = 0x0403,
+  Paging5Level    = 0x0502,
+  Paging5Level1GB = 0x0503,
+  PagingModeMax
+  Create or update page table to map [LinearAddress, LinearAddress + Length) 
with specified attribute.
+  @param[in, out] PageTable      The pointer to the page table to update, or 
pointer to NULL if a new page table is to be created.
+  @param[in]      PagingMode     The paging mode.
+  @param[in]      Buffer         The free buffer to be used for page table 
+  @param[in, out] BufferSize     The buffer size.
+                                 On return, the remaining buffer size.
+                                 The free buffer is used from the end so 
caller can supply the same Buffer pointer with an updated
+                                 BufferSize in the second call to this API.
+  @param[in]      LinearAddress  The start of the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Length         The length of the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Attribute      The attribute of the linear address range.
+                                 All non-reserved fields in IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE 
are supported to set in the page table.
+                                 Page table entries that map the linear 
address range are reset to 0 before set to the new attribute
+                                 when a new physical base address is set.
+  @param[in]      Mask           The mask used for attribute. The 
corresponding field in Attribute is ignored if that in Mask is 0.
+  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED        PagingMode is not supported.
+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  PageTable, BufferSize, Attribute or Mask 
is NULL.
+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  *BufferSize is not multiple of 4KB.
+  @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   The buffer is too small for page table 
+                                    BufferSize is updated to indicate the 
expected buffer size.
+                                    Caller may still get 
RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL with the new BufferSize.
+  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            PageTable is created/updated successfully.
+PageTableMap (
+  IN OUT UINTN               *PageTable  OPTIONAL,
+  IN     PAGING_MODE         PagingMode,
+  IN     VOID                *Buffer,
+  IN OUT UINTN               *BufferSize,
+  IN     UINT64              LinearAddress,
+  IN     UINT64              Length,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Attribute,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Mask
+  );
+typedef struct {
+  UINT64                LinearAddress;
+  UINT64                Length;
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE    Attribute;
+  Parse page table.
+  @param[in]      PageTable  Pointer to the page table.
+  @param[in]      PagingMode The paging mode.
+  @param[out]     Map        Return an array that describes multiple linear 
address ranges.
+  @param[in, out] MapCount   On input, the maximum number of entries that Map 
can hold.
+                             On output, the number of entries in Map.
+  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED       PageLevel is not 5 or 4.
+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER *MapCount is not 0 but Map is NULL.
+  @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  *MapCount is too small.
+  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           Page table is parsed successfully.
+PageTableParse (
+  IN     UINTN           PageTable,
+  IN     PAGING_MODE     PagingMode,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ENTRY  *Map,
+  IN OUT UINTN           *MapCount
+  );
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTable.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c041ea3f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTable.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+/** @file
+  Internal header for CpuPageTableLib.
+  Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef CPU_PAGE_TABLE_H_
+#define CPU_PAGE_TABLE_H_
+#include <Base.h>
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/CpuPageTableLib.h>
+#define REGION_LENGTH(l)  LShiftU64 (1, (l) * 9 + 3)
+typedef struct {
+  UINT64    Present : 1;              // 0 = Not present in memory, 1 = 
Present in memory
+/// Format of a non-leaf entry that references a page table entry
+typedef union {
+  struct {
+    UINT64    Present              : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory, 1 = 
Present in memory
+    UINT64    ReadWrite            : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
+    UINT64    UserSupervisor       : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
+    UINT64    WriteThrough         : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching, 
1=Write-Through caching
+    UINT64    CacheDisabled        : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
+    UINT64    Accessed             : 1; // 0 = Not accessed, 1 = Accessed (set 
by CPU)
+    UINT64    Available0           : 1; // Ignored
+    UINT64    MustBeZero           : 1; // Must Be Zero
+    UINT64    Available2           : 4; // Ignored
+    UINT64    PageTableBaseAddress : 40; // Page Table Base Address
+    UINT64    Available3           : 11; // Ignored
+    UINT64    Nx                   : 1;  // No Execute bit
+  } Bits;
+  UINT64    Uint64;
+#define IA32_PNLE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS(pa)  ((pa)->Uint64 & 
+/// Format of a PML5 Entry (PML5E) that References a PML4 Table
+/// Format of a PML4 Entry (PML4E) that References a Page-Directory-Pointer 
+/// Format of a Page-Directory-Pointer-Table Entry (PDPTE) that References a 
Page Directory
+/// Format of a Page-Directory Entry that References a Page Table
+/// Format of a leaf entry that Maps a 1-Gbyte or 2-MByte Page
+typedef union {
+  struct {
+    UINT64    Present              : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory, 1 = 
Present in memory
+    UINT64    ReadWrite            : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
+    UINT64    UserSupervisor       : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
+    UINT64    WriteThrough         : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching, 
1=Write-Through caching
+    UINT64    CacheDisabled        : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
+    UINT64    Accessed             : 1; // 0 = Not accessed, 1 = Accessed (set 
by CPU)
+    UINT64    Dirty                : 1; // 0 = Not dirty, 1 = Dirty (set by 
+    UINT64    MustBeOne            : 1; // Page Size. Must Be One
+    UINT64    Global               : 1; // 0 = Not global, 1 = Global (if 
CR4.PGE = 1)
+    UINT64    Available1           : 3; // Ignored
+    UINT64    Pat                  : 1; // PAT
+    UINT64    PageTableBaseAddress : 39; // Page Table Base Address
+    UINT64    Available3           : 7;  // Ignored
+    UINT64    ProtectionKey        : 4;  // Protection key
+    UINT64    Nx                   : 1;  // No Execute bit
+  } Bits;
+  UINT64    Uint64;
+#define IA32_PLEB_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS(pa)  ((pa)->Uint64 & 
+/// Format of a Page-Directory Entry that Maps a 2-MByte Page
+/// Format of a Page-Directory-Pointer-Table Entry (PDPTE) that Maps a 1-GByte 
+/// Format of a Page-Table Entry that Maps a 4-KByte Page
+typedef union {
+  struct {
+    UINT64    Present              : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory, 1 = 
Present in memory
+    UINT64    ReadWrite            : 1; // 0 = Read-Only, 1= Read/Write
+    UINT64    UserSupervisor       : 1; // 0 = Supervisor, 1=User
+    UINT64    WriteThrough         : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching, 
1=Write-Through caching
+    UINT64    CacheDisabled        : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
+    UINT64    Accessed             : 1; // 0 = Not accessed, 1 = Accessed (set 
by CPU)
+    UINT64    Dirty                : 1; // 0 = Not dirty, 1 = Dirty (set by 
+    UINT64    Pat                  : 1; // PAT
+    UINT64    Global               : 1; // 0 = Not global, 1 = Global (if 
CR4.PGE = 1)
+    UINT64    Available1           : 3; // Ignored
+    UINT64    PageTableBaseAddress : 40; // Page Table Base Address
+    UINT64    Available3           : 7;  // Ignored
+    UINT64    ProtectionKey        : 4;  // Protection key
+    UINT64    Nx                   : 1;  // No Execute bit
+  } Bits;
+  UINT64    Uint64;
+} IA32_PTE_4K;
+#define IA32_PTE4K_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS(pa)  ((pa)->Uint64 & 
+/// Format of a Page-Directory-Pointer-Table Entry (PDPTE) that References a 
Page Directory (32bit PAE specific)
+typedef union {
+  struct {
+    UINT64    Present              : 1; // 0 = Not present in memory, 1 = 
Present in memory
+    UINT64    MustBeZero           : 2; // Must Be Zero
+    UINT64    WriteThrough         : 1; // 0 = Write-Back caching, 
1=Write-Through caching
+    UINT64    CacheDisabled        : 1; // 0 = Cached, 1=Non-Cached
+    UINT64    MustBeZero2          : 4; // Must Be Zero
+    UINT64    Available            : 3; // Ignored
+    UINT64    PageTableBaseAddress : 40; // Page Table Base Address
+    UINT64    MustBeZero3          : 12; // Must Be Zero
+  } Bits;
+  UINT64    Uint64;
+typedef union {
+  IA32_PAGE_NON_LEAF_ENTRY             Pnle; // To access Pml5, Pml4, Pdpte 
and Pde.
+  IA32_PML5E                           Pml5;
+  IA32_PML4E                           Pml4;
+  IA32_PDPTE                           Pdpte;
+  IA32_PDE                             Pde;
+  IA32_PAGE_LEAF_ENTRY_BIG_PAGESIZE    PleB; // to access Pdpte1G and Pde2M.
+  IA32_PDPTE_1G                        Pdpte1G;
+  IA32_PDE_2M                          Pde2M;
+  IA32_PTE_4K                          Pte4K;
+  IA32_PDPTE_PAE                       PdptePae;
+  IA32_PAGE_COMMON_ENTRY               Pce; // To access all common bits in 
above entries.
+  UINT64                               Uint64;
+  UINTN                                Uintn;
+  Return TRUE when the page table entry is a leaf entry that points to the 
physical address memory.
+  Return FALSE when the page table entry is a non-leaf entry that points to 
the page table entries.
+  @param[in] PagingEntry Pointer to the page table entry.
+  @param[in] Level       Page level where the page table entry resides in.
+  @retval TRUE  It's a leaf entry.
+  @retval FALSE It's a non-leaf entry.
+IsPle (
+  IN     IA32_PAGING_ENTRY  *PagingEntry,
+  IN     UINTN              Level
+  );
+  Return the attribute of a 2M/1G page table entry.
+  @param[in] PleB               Pointer to a 2M/1G page table entry.
+  @param[in] ParentMapAttribute Pointer to the parent attribute.
+  @return Attribute of the 2M/1G page table entry.
+PageTableLibGetPleBMapAttribute (
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE                 *ParentMapAttribute
+  );
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableLib.inf 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4ead7441c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableLib.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+## @file
+#  This library implements CpuPageTableLib that are generic for IA32 family 
+#  Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+#  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+  INF_VERSION                    = 0x00010005
+  BASE_NAME                      = CpuPageTableLib
+  FILE_GUID                      = 524ed6a1-f661-451b-929b-b54d755c914a
+  MODULE_TYPE                    = BASE
+  VERSION_STRING                 = 1.0
+  LIBRARY_CLASS                  = CpuPageTableLib
+# The following information is for reference only and not required by the 
build tools.
+#  VALID_ARCHITECTURES           = IA32 X64
+  CpuPageTableMap.c
+  CpuPageTableParse.c
+  CpuPageTable.h
+  MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+  UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
+  BaseLib
+  BaseMemoryLib
+  DebugLib
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25e13a6f6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableMap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+/** @file
+  This library implements CpuPageTableLib that are generic for IA32 family CPU.
+  Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include "CpuPageTable.h"
+  Set the IA32_PTE_4K.
+  @param[in] Pte4K     Pointer to IA32_PTE_4K.
+  @param[in] Offset    The offset within the linear address range.
+  @param[in] Attribute The attribute of the linear address range.
+                       All non-reserved fields in IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE are 
supported to set in the page table.
+                       Page table entry is reset to 0 before set to the new 
attribute when a new physical base address is set.
+  @param[in] Mask      The mask used for attribute. The corresponding field in 
Attribute is ignored if that in Mask is 0.
+PageTableLibSetPte4K (
+  IN IA32_PTE_4K         *Pte4K,
+  IN UINT64              Offset,
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Attribute,
+  )
+  if (Mask->Bits.PageTableBaseAddress) {
+    //
+    // Reset all attributes when the physical address is changed.
+    //
+    Pte4K->Uint64 = IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (Attribute) + 
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Present) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.Present = Attribute->Bits.Present;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.ReadWrite) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.ReadWrite = Attribute->Bits.ReadWrite;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.UserSupervisor) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.UserSupervisor = Attribute->Bits.UserSupervisor;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.WriteThrough) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.WriteThrough = Attribute->Bits.WriteThrough;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.CacheDisabled) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.CacheDisabled = Attribute->Bits.CacheDisabled;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Accessed) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.Accessed = Attribute->Bits.Accessed;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Dirty) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.Dirty = Attribute->Bits.Dirty;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Pat) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.Pat = Attribute->Bits.Pat;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Global) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.Global = Attribute->Bits.Global;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.ProtectionKey) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.ProtectionKey = Attribute->Bits.ProtectionKey;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Nx) {
+    Pte4K->Bits.Nx = Attribute->Bits.Nx;
+  }
+  Set the IA32_PDPTE_1G or IA32_PDE_2M.
+  @param[in] PleB      Pointer to PDPTE_1G or PDE_2M. Both share the same 
structure definition.
+  @param[in] Offset    The offset within the linear address range.
+  @param[in] Attribute The attribute of the linear address range.
+                       All non-reserved fields in IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE are 
supported to set in the page table.
+                       Page table entry is reset to 0 before set to the new 
attribute when a new physical base address is set.
+  @param[in] Mask      The mask used for attribute. The corresponding field in 
Attribute is ignored if that in Mask is 0.
+PageTableLibSetPleB (
+  IN UINT64                             Offset,
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE                 *Attribute,
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE                 *Mask
+  )
+  if (Mask->Bits.PageTableBaseAddress) {
+    //
+    // Reset all attributes when the physical address is changed.
+    //
+    PleB->Uint64 = IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (Attribute) + 
+  }
+  PleB->Bits.MustBeOne = 1;
+  if (Mask->Bits.Present) {
+    PleB->Bits.Present = Attribute->Bits.Present;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.ReadWrite) {
+    PleB->Bits.ReadWrite = Attribute->Bits.ReadWrite;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.UserSupervisor) {
+    PleB->Bits.UserSupervisor = Attribute->Bits.UserSupervisor;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.WriteThrough) {
+    PleB->Bits.WriteThrough = Attribute->Bits.WriteThrough;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.CacheDisabled) {
+    PleB->Bits.CacheDisabled = Attribute->Bits.CacheDisabled;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Accessed) {
+    PleB->Bits.Accessed = Attribute->Bits.Accessed;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Dirty) {
+    PleB->Bits.Dirty = Attribute->Bits.Dirty;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Pat) {
+    PleB->Bits.Pat = Attribute->Bits.Pat;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Global) {
+    PleB->Bits.Global = Attribute->Bits.Global;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.ProtectionKey) {
+    PleB->Bits.ProtectionKey = Attribute->Bits.ProtectionKey;
+  }
+  if (Mask->Bits.Nx) {
+    PleB->Bits.Nx = Attribute->Bits.Nx;
+  }
+  Set the IA32_PDPTE_1G, IA32_PDE_2M or IA32_PTE_4K.
+  @param[in] Level     3, 2 or 1.
+  @param[in] Ple       Pointer to PDPTE_1G, PDE_2M or IA32_PTE_4K, depending 
on the Level.
+  @param[in] Offset    The offset within the linear address range.
+  @param[in] Attribute The attribute of the linear address range.
+                       All non-reserved fields in IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE are 
supported to set in the page table.
+                       Page table entry is reset to 0 before set to the new 
attribute when a new physical base address is set.
+  @param[in] Mask      The mask used for attribute. The corresponding field in 
Attribute is ignored if that in Mask is 0.
+PageTableLibSetPle (
+  IN UINTN               Level,
+  IN UINT64              Offset,
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Attribute,
+  )
+  if (Level == 1) {
+    PageTableLibSetPte4K (&Ple->Pte4K, Offset, Attribute, Mask);
+  } else {
+    ASSERT (Level == 2 || Level == 3);
+    PageTableLibSetPleB (&Ple->PleB, Offset, Attribute, Mask);
+  }
+  Set the IA32_PML5, IA32_PML4, IA32_PDPTE or IA32_PDE.
+  @param[in] Pnle      Pointer to IA32_PML5, IA32_PML4, IA32_PDPTE or 
IA32_PDE. All share the same structure definition.
+  @param[in] Attribute The attribute of the page directory referenced by the 
+PageTableLibSetPnle (
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE        *Attribute
+  )
+  Pnle->Bits.Present        = Attribute->Bits.Present;
+  Pnle->Bits.ReadWrite      = Attribute->Bits.ReadWrite;
+  Pnle->Bits.UserSupervisor = Attribute->Bits.UserSupervisor;
+  Pnle->Bits.Nx             = Attribute->Bits.Nx;
+  Pnle->Bits.Accessed       = 0;
+  //
+  // Set the attributes (WT, CD, A) to 0.
+  // WT and CD determin the memory type used to access the 4K page directory 
referenced by this entry.
+  // So, it implictly requires PAT[0] is Write Back.
+  // Create a new parameter if caller requires to use a different memory type 
for accessing page directories.
+  //
+  Pnle->Bits.WriteThrough  = 0;
+  Pnle->Bits.CacheDisabled = 0;
+  Update page table to map [LinearAddress, LinearAddress + Length) with 
specified attribute in the specified level.
+  @param[in]      ParentPagingEntry The pointer to the page table entry to 
+  @param[in]      Modify            FALSE to indicate Buffer is not used and 
BufferSize is increased by the required buffer size.
+  @param[in]      Buffer            The free buffer to be used for page table 
+                                    When Modify is TRUE, it's used from the 
+                                    When Modify is FALSE, it's ignored.
+  @param[in, out] BufferSize        The available buffer size.
+                                    Return the remaining buffer size.
+  @param[in]      Level             Page table level. Could be 5, 4, 3, 2, or 
+  @param[in]      MaxLeafLevel      Maximum level that can be a leaf entry. 
Could be 1, 2 or 3 (if Page 1G is supported).
+  @param[in]      LinearAddress     The start of the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Length            The length of the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Offset            The offset within the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Attribute         The attribute of the linear address range.
+                                    All non-reserved fields in 
IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE are supported to set in the page table.
+                                    Page table entries that map the linear 
address range are reset to 0 before set to the new attribute
+                                    when a new physical base address is set.
+  @param[in]      Mask              The mask used for attribute. The 
corresponding field in Attribute is ignored if that in Mask is 0.
+  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            PageTable is created/updated successfully.
+PageTableLibMapInLevel (
+  IN     IA32_PAGING_ENTRY   *ParentPagingEntry,
+  IN     BOOLEAN             Modify,
+  IN     VOID                *Buffer,
+  IN OUT INTN                *BufferSize,
+  IN     UINTN               Level,
+  IN     UINTN               MaxLeafLevel,
+  IN     UINT64              LinearAddress,
+  IN     UINT64              Length,
+  IN     UINT64              Offset,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Attribute,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Mask
+  )
+  RETURN_STATUS       Status;
+  UINTN               BitStart;
+  UINTN               Index;
+  IA32_PAGING_ENTRY   *PagingEntry;
+  UINT64              RegionLength;
+  UINT64              SubLength;
+  UINT64              SubOffset;
+  UINT64              RegionMask;
+  UINT64              RegionStart;
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  AllOneMask;
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  PleBAttribute;
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  NopAttribute;
+  BOOLEAN             CreateNew;
+  IA32_PAGING_ENTRY   OneOfPagingEntry;
+  ASSERT (Level != 0);
+  ASSERT ((Attribute != NULL) && (Mask != NULL));
+  CreateNew         = FALSE;
+  AllOneMask.Uint64 = ~0ull;
+  NopAttribute.Uint64              = 0;
+  NopAttribute.Bits.Present        = 1;
+  NopAttribute.Bits.ReadWrite      = 1;
+  NopAttribute.Bits.UserSupervisor = 1;
+  //
+  // ParentPagingEntry ONLY is deferenced for checking Present and MustBeOne 
+  // when Modify is FALSE.
+  //
+  if (ParentPagingEntry->Pce.Present == 0) {
+    //
+    // The parent entry is CR3 or PML5E/PML4E/PDPTE/PDE.
+    // It does NOT point to an existing page directory.
+    //
+    ASSERT (Buffer == NULL || *BufferSize >= SIZE_4KB);
+    CreateNew    = TRUE;
+    *BufferSize -= SIZE_4KB;
+    if (Modify) {
+      ParentPagingEntry->Uintn = (UINTN)Buffer + *BufferSize;
+      ZeroMem ((VOID *)ParentPagingEntry->Uintn, SIZE_4KB);
+      //
+      // Set default attribute bits for PML5E/PML4E/PDPTE/PDE.
+      //
+      PageTableLibSetPnle (&ParentPagingEntry->Pnle, &NopAttribute);
+    } else {
+      //
+      // Just make sure Present and MustBeZero (PageSize) bits are accurate.
+      //
+      OneOfPagingEntry.Pnle.Uint64 = 0;
+    }
+  } else if (IsPle (ParentPagingEntry, Level + 1)) {
+    //
+    // The parent entry is a PDPTE_1G or PDE_2M. Split to 2M or 4K pages.
+    // Note: it's impossible the parent entry is a PTE_4K.
+    //
+    //
+    // Use NOP attributes as the attribute of grand-parents because CPU will 
+    // the actual attributes of grand-parents when determing the memory type.
+    //
+    PleBAttribute.Uint64 = PageTableLibGetPleBMapAttribute 
(&ParentPagingEntry->PleB, &NopAttribute);
+    if ((IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES (&PleBAttribute) & 
+        == IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES (Attribute))
+    {
+      //
+      // This function is called when the memory length is less than the 
region length of the parent level.
+      // No need to split the page when the attributes equal.
+      //
+      return RETURN_SUCCESS;
+    }
+    ASSERT (Buffer == NULL || *BufferSize >= SIZE_4KB);
+    CreateNew    = TRUE;
+    *BufferSize -= SIZE_4KB;
+    PageTableLibSetPle (Level, &OneOfPagingEntry, 0, &PleBAttribute, 
+    if (Modify) {
+      //
+      // Create 512 child-level entries that map to 2M/4K.
+      //
+      ParentPagingEntry->Uintn = (UINTN)Buffer + *BufferSize;
+      ZeroMem ((VOID *)ParentPagingEntry->Uintn, SIZE_4KB);
+      //
+      // Set NOP attributes
+      // Note: Should NOT inherit the attributes from the original entry 
because a zero RW bit
+      //       will make the entire region read-only even the child entries 
set the RW bit.
+      //
+      PageTableLibSetPnle (&ParentPagingEntry->Pnle, &NopAttribute);
+      RegionLength = REGION_LENGTH (Level);
+      for (SubOffset = 0, Index = 0; Index < 512; Index++) {
+        PagingEntry[Index].Uint64 = OneOfPagingEntry.Uint64 + SubOffset;
+        SubOffset                += RegionLength;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //
+  // RegionLength: 256T (1 << 48) 512G (1 << 39), 1G (1 << 30), 2M (1 << 21) or 4K 
(1 << 12).
+  // RegionStart:  points to the linear address that's aligned on RegionLength 
and lower than (LinearAddress + Offset).
+  //
+  BitStart     = 12 + (Level - 1) * 9;
+  Index        = BitFieldRead64 (LinearAddress + Offset, BitStart, BitStart + 
9 - 1);
+  RegionLength = LShiftU64 (1, BitStart);
+  RegionMask   = RegionLength - 1;
+  RegionStart  = (LinearAddress + Offset) & ~RegionMask;
+  //
+  // Apply the attribute.
+  //
+  while (Offset < Length && Index < 512) {
+    SubLength = MIN (Length - Offset, RegionStart + RegionLength - 
(LinearAddress + Offset));
+    if ((Level <= MaxLeafLevel) && (LinearAddress + Offset == RegionStart) && 
(SubLength == RegionLength)) {
+      //
+      // Create one entry mapping the entire region (1G, 2M or 4K).
+      //
+      if (Modify) {
+        PageTableLibSetPle (Level, &PagingEntry[Index], Offset, Attribute, 
+      }
+    } else {
+      //
+      // Recursively call to create page table.
+      // There are 3 cases:
+      //   a. Level cannot be a leaf entry which points to physical memory.
+      //   a. Level can be a leaf entry but (LinearAddress + Offset) is NOT 
aligned on the RegionStart.
+      //   b. Level can be a leaf entry and (LinearAddress + Offset) is 
aligned on RegionStart,
+      //      but the length is SMALLER than the RegionLength.
+      //
+      Status = PageTableLibMapInLevel (
+                 (!Modify && CreateNew) ? &OneOfPagingEntry : 
+                 Modify,
+                 Buffer,
+                 BufferSize,
+                 Level - 1,
+                 MaxLeafLevel,
+                 LinearAddress,
+                 Length,
+                 Offset,
+                 Attribute,
+                 Mask
+                 );
+      if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)) {
+        return Status;
+      }
+    }
+    Offset      += SubLength;
+    RegionStart += RegionLength;
+    Index++;
+  }
+  Create or update page table to map [LinearAddress, LinearAddress + Length) 
with specified attribute.
+  @param[in, out] PageTable      The pointer to the page table to update, or 
pointer to NULL if a new page table is to be created.
+  @param[in]      PagingMode     The paging mode.
+  @param[in]      Buffer         The free buffer to be used for page table 
+  @param[in, out] BufferSize     The buffer size.
+                                 On return, the remaining buffer size.
+                                 The free buffer is used from the end so 
caller can supply the same Buffer pointer with an updated
+                                 BufferSize in the second call to this API.
+  @param[in]      LinearAddress  The start of the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Length         The length of the linear address range.
+  @param[in]      Attribute      The attribute of the linear address range.
+                                 All non-reserved fields in IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE 
are supported to set in the page table.
+                                 Page table entries that map the linear 
address range are reset to 0 before set to the new attribute
+                                 when a new physical base address is set.
+  @param[in]      Mask           The mask used for attribute. The 
corresponding field in Attribute is ignored if that in Mask is 0.
+  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED        PagingMode is not supported.
+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  PageTable, BufferSize, Attribute or Mask 
is NULL.
+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER  *BufferSize is not multiple of 4KB.
+  @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL   The buffer is too small for page table 
+                                    BufferSize is updated to indicate the 
expected buffer size.
+                                    Caller may still get 
RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL with the new BufferSize.
+  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS            PageTable is created/updated successfully.
+PageTableMap (
+  IN OUT UINTN               *PageTable  OPTIONAL,
+  IN     PAGING_MODE         PagingMode,
+  IN     VOID                *Buffer,
+  IN OUT UINTN               *BufferSize,
+  IN     UINT64              LinearAddress,
+  IN     UINT64              Length,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Attribute,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *Mask
+  )
+  RETURN_STATUS      Status;
+  IA32_PAGING_ENTRY  TopPagingEntry;
+  INTN               RequiredSize;
+  UINT64             MaxLinearAddress;
+  UINTN              MaxLevel;
+  UINTN              MaxLeafLevel;
+  if ((PagingMode == Paging32bit) || (PagingMode == PagingPae) || (PagingMode 
>= PagingModeMax)) {
+    //
+    // 32bit paging is never supported.
+    // PAE paging will be supported later.
+    //
+  }
+  if ((PageTable == NULL) || (BufferSize == NULL) || (Attribute == NULL) || 
(Mask == NULL)) {
+  }
+  if (*BufferSize % SIZE_4KB != 0) {
+    //
+    // BufferSize should be multiple of 4K.
+    //
+  }
+  if ((*BufferSize != 0) && (Buffer == NULL)) {
+  }
+  MaxLeafLevel     = (UINT8)PagingMode;
+  MaxLevel         = (UINT8)(PagingMode >> 8);
+  MaxLinearAddress = LShiftU64 (1, 12 + MaxLevel * 9);
+  if ((LinearAddress > MaxLinearAddress) || (Length > MaxLinearAddress - 
LinearAddress)) {
+    //
+    // Maximum linear address is (1 << 48) or (1 << 57)
+    //
+  }
+  TopPagingEntry.Uintn = *PageTable;
+  if (TopPagingEntry.Uintn != 0) {
+    TopPagingEntry.Pce.Present = 1;
+  }
+  //
+  // Query the required buffer size without modifying the page table.
+  //
+  RequiredSize = 0;
+  Status       = PageTableLibMapInLevel (
+                   &TopPagingEntry,
+                   FALSE,
+                   NULL,
+                   &RequiredSize,
+                   MaxLevel,
+                   MaxLeafLevel,
+                   LinearAddress,
+                   Length,
+                   0,
+                   Attribute,
+                   Mask
+                   );
+  if (RETURN_ERROR (Status)) {
+    return Status;
+  }
+  RequiredSize = -RequiredSize;
+  if ((UINTN)RequiredSize > *BufferSize) {
+    *BufferSize = RequiredSize;
+  }
+  if ((RequiredSize != 0) && (Buffer == NULL)) {
+  }
+  //
+  // Update the page table when the supplied buffer is sufficient.
+  //
+  Status = PageTableLibMapInLevel (
+             &TopPagingEntry,
+             TRUE,
+             Buffer,
+             BufferSize,
+             MaxLevel,
+             MaxLeafLevel,
+             LinearAddress,
+             Length,
+             0,
+             Attribute,
+             Mask
+             );
+  if (!RETURN_ERROR (Status)) {
+    *PageTable = (UINTN)(TopPagingEntry.Uintn & IA32_PE_BASE_ADDRESS_MASK_40);
+  }
+  return Status;
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableParse.c 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e66961e122
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableParse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+/** @file
+  This library implements CpuPageTableLib that are generic for IA32 family CPU.
+  Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include "CpuPageTable.h"
+  Return the attribute of a 2M/1G page table entry.
+  @param[in] PleB               Pointer to a 2M/1G page table entry.
+  @param[in] ParentMapAttribute Pointer to the parent attribute.
+  @return Attribute of the 2M/1G page table entry.
+PageTableLibGetPleBMapAttribute (
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE                 *ParentMapAttribute
+  )
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  MapAttribute;
+  //
+  // PageTableBaseAddress cannot be assigned field to field
+  // because their bit positions are different in IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE and 
+  //
+  MapAttribute.Uint64 = IA32_PLEB_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (PleB);
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Present        = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.Present & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.ReadWrite      = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.ReadWrite & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.UserSupervisor = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.UserSupervisor & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Nx             = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.Nx | 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.WriteThrough   = PleB->Bits.WriteThrough;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.CacheDisabled  = PleB->Bits.CacheDisabled;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Accessed       = PleB->Bits.Accessed;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Pat           = PleB->Bits.Pat;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Dirty         = PleB->Bits.Dirty;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Global        = PleB->Bits.Global;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.ProtectionKey = PleB->Bits.ProtectionKey;
+  return MapAttribute.Uint64;
+  Return the attribute of a 4K page table entry.
+  @param[in] Pte4K              Pointer to a 4K page table entry.
+  @param[in] ParentMapAttribute Pointer to the parent attribute.
+  @return Attribute of the 4K page table entry.
+PageTableLibGetPte4KMapAttribute (
+  IN IA32_PTE_4K         *Pte4K,
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *ParentMapAttribute
+  )
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  MapAttribute;
+  MapAttribute.Uint64 = IA32_PTE4K_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (Pte4K);
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Present        = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.Present & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.ReadWrite      = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.ReadWrite & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.UserSupervisor = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.UserSupervisor & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Nx             = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.Nx | 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.WriteThrough   = Pte4K->Bits.WriteThrough;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.CacheDisabled  = Pte4K->Bits.CacheDisabled;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Accessed       = Pte4K->Bits.Accessed;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Pat           = Pte4K->Bits.Pat;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Dirty         = Pte4K->Bits.Dirty;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Global        = Pte4K->Bits.Global;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.ProtectionKey = Pte4K->Bits.ProtectionKey;
+  return MapAttribute.Uint64;
+  Return the attribute of a non-leaf page table entry.
+  @param[in] Pnle               Pointer to a non-leaf page table entry.
+  @param[in] ParentMapAttribute Pointer to the parent attribute.
+  @return Attribute of the non-leaf page table entry.
+PageTableLibGetPnleMapAttribute (
+  IN IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE        *ParentMapAttribute
+  )
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  MapAttribute;
+  MapAttribute.Uint64 = Pnle->Uint64;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Present        = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.Present & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.ReadWrite      = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.ReadWrite & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.UserSupervisor = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.UserSupervisor & 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Nx             = ParentMapAttribute->Bits.Nx | 
+  MapAttribute.Bits.WriteThrough   = Pnle->Bits.WriteThrough;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.CacheDisabled  = Pnle->Bits.CacheDisabled;
+  MapAttribute.Bits.Accessed       = Pnle->Bits.Accessed;
+  return MapAttribute.Uint64;
+  Return TRUE when the page table entry is a leaf entry that points to the 
physical address memory.
+  Return FALSE when the page table entry is a non-leaf entry that points to 
the page table entries.
+  @param[in] PagingEntry Pointer to the page table entry.
+  @param[in] Level       Page level where the page table entry resides in.
+  @retval TRUE  It's a leaf entry.
+  @retval FALSE It's a non-leaf entry.
+IsPle (
+  IN IA32_PAGING_ENTRY  *PagingEntry,
+  IN UINTN              Level
+  )
+  //
+  // PML5E and PML4E are always non-leaf entries.
+  //
+  if (Level == 1) {
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  if (((Level == 3) || (Level == 2))) {
+    if (PagingEntry->PleB.Bits.MustBeOne == 1) {
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+  Recursively parse the non-leaf page table entries.
+  @param[in]      PageTableBaseAddress The base address of the 512 non-leaf 
page table entries in the specified level.
+  @param[in]      Level                Page level. Could be 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
+  @param[in]      RegionStart          The base linear address of the region 
covered by the non-leaf page table entries.
+  @param[in]      ParentMapAttribute   The mapping attribute of the parent 
+  @param[in, out] Map                  Pointer to an array that describes 
multiple linear address ranges.
+  @param[in, out] MapCount             Pointer to a UINTN that hold the actual 
number of entries in the Map.
+  @param[in]      MapCapacity          The maximum number of entries the Map 
can hold.
+  @param[in]      LastEntry            Pointer to last map entry.
+  @param[in]      OneEntry             Pointer to a library internal storage 
that holds one map entry.
+                                       It's used when Map array is used up.
+PageTableLibParsePnle (
+  IN     UINT64              PageTableBaseAddress,
+  IN     UINTN               Level,
+  IN     UINT64              RegionStart,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  *ParentMapAttribute,
+  IN OUT IA32_MAP_ENTRY      *Map,
+  IN OUT UINTN               *MapCount,
+  IN     UINTN               MapCapacity,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ENTRY      **LastEntry,
+  IN     IA32_MAP_ENTRY      *OneEntry
+  )
+  IA32_PAGING_ENTRY   *PagingEntry;
+  UINTN               Index;
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  MapAttribute;
+  UINT64              RegionLength;
+  ASSERT (OneEntry != NULL);
+  PagingEntry  = (IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *)(UINTN)PageTableBaseAddress;
+  RegionLength = REGION_LENGTH (Level);
+  for (Index = 0; Index < 512; Index++, RegionStart += RegionLength) {
+    if (PagingEntry[Index].Pce.Present == 0) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (IsPle (&PagingEntry[Index], Level)) {
+      ASSERT (Level == 1 || Level == 2 || Level == 3);
+      if (Level == 1) {
+        MapAttribute.Uint64 = PageTableLibGetPte4KMapAttribute 
(&PagingEntry[Index].Pte4K, ParentMapAttribute);
+      } else {
+        MapAttribute.Uint64 = PageTableLibGetPleBMapAttribute 
(&PagingEntry[Index].PleB, ParentMapAttribute);
+      }
+      if ((*LastEntry != NULL) &&
+          ((*LastEntry)->LinearAddress + (*LastEntry)->Length == RegionStart) 
+          (IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (&(*LastEntry)->Attribute) 
+ (*LastEntry)->Length
+           == IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (&MapAttribute)) &&
+          (IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE_ATTRIBUTES (&(*LastEntry)->Attribute) == 
+          )
+      {
+        //
+        // Extend LastEntry.
+        //
+        (*LastEntry)->Length += RegionLength;
+      } else {
+        if (*MapCount < MapCapacity) {
+          //
+          // LastEntry points to next map entry in the array.
+          //
+          *LastEntry = &Map[*MapCount];
+        } else {
+          //
+          // LastEntry points to library internal map entry.
+          //
+          *LastEntry = OneEntry;
+        }
+        //
+        // Set LastEntry.
+        //
+        (*LastEntry)->LinearAddress    = RegionStart;
+        (*LastEntry)->Length           = RegionLength;
+        (*LastEntry)->Attribute.Uint64 = MapAttribute.Uint64;
+        (*MapCount)++;
+      }
+    } else {
+      MapAttribute.Uint64 = PageTableLibGetPnleMapAttribute 
(&PagingEntry[Index].Pnle, ParentMapAttribute);
+      PageTableLibParsePnle (
+        IA32_PNLE_PAGE_TABLE_BASE_ADDRESS (&PagingEntry[Index].Pnle),
+        Level - 1,
+        RegionStart,
+        &MapAttribute,
+        Map,
+        MapCount,
+        MapCapacity,
+        LastEntry,
+        OneEntry
+        );
+    }
+  }
+  Parse page table.
+  @param[in]      PageTable  Pointer to the page table.
+  @param[in]      PagingMode The paging mode.
+  @param[out]     Map        Return an array that describes multiple linear 
address ranges.
+  @param[in, out] MapCount   On input, the maximum number of entries that Map 
can hold.
+                             On output, the number of entries in Map.
+  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED       PageLevel is not 5 or 4.
+  @retval RETURN_INVALID_PARAMETER *MapCount is not 0 but Map is NULL.
+  @retval RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL  *MapCount is too small.
+  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           Page table is parsed successfully.
+PageTableParse (
+  IN     UINTN         PageTable,
+  IN     PAGING_MODE   PagingMode,
+  OUT  IA32_MAP_ENTRY  *Map,
+  IN OUT UINTN         *MapCount
+  )
+  UINTN               MapCapacity;
+  IA32_MAP_ATTRIBUTE  NopAttribute;
+  IA32_MAP_ENTRY      *LastEntry;
+  IA32_MAP_ENTRY      OneEntry;
+  UINTN               MaxLevel;
+  if ((PagingMode == Paging32bit) || (PagingMode == PagingPae) || (PagingMode 
>= PagingModeMax)) {
+    //
+    // 32bit paging is never supported.
+    // PAE paging will be supported later.
+    //
+  }
+  if (MapCount == NULL) {
+  }
+  if ((*MapCount != 0) && (Map == NULL)) {
+  }
+  if (PageTable == 0) {
+    *MapCount = 0;
+    return RETURN_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  //
+  // Page table layout is as below:
+  //
+  // [IA32_CR3]
+  //     |
+  //     |
+  //     V
+  // [IA32_PML5E]
+  // ...
+  // [IA32_PML5E] --> [IA32_PML4E]
+  //                  ...
+  //                  [IA32_PML4E] --> [IA32_PDPTE_1G] --> 1G aligned physical 
+  //                                   ...
+  //                                   [IA32_PDPTE] --> [IA32_PDE_2M] --> 2M 
aligned physical address
+  //                                                    ...
+  //                                                    [IA32_PDE] --> 
[IA32_PTE_4K]  --> 4K aligned physical address
+  //                                                                   ...
+  //                                                                   
[IA32_PTE_4K]  --> 4K aligned physical address
+  //
+  NopAttribute.Uint64              = 0;
+  NopAttribute.Bits.Present        = 1;
+  NopAttribute.Bits.ReadWrite      = 1;
+  NopAttribute.Bits.UserSupervisor = 1;
+  MaxLevel    = (UINT8)(PagingMode >> 8);
+  MapCapacity = *MapCount;
+  *MapCount   = 0;
+  LastEntry   = NULL;
+  PageTableLibParsePnle ((UINT64)PageTable, MaxLevel, 0, &NopAttribute, Map, MapCount, 
MapCapacity, &LastEntry, &OneEntry);
+  if (*MapCount > MapCapacity) {
+  }
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec b/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
index 1951eb294c..4fe79cecbf 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@
    ##  @libraryclass  Provides function for loading microcode.
+ ## @libraryclass Provides function for manipulating x86 paging structures.
+  CpuPageTableLib|Include/Library/CpuPageTableLib.h
    gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid      = { 0xac05bf33, 0x995a, 0x4ed4, { 0xaa, 
0xb8, 0xef, 0x7a, 0xe8, 0xf, 0x5c, 0xb0 }}
    gMsegSmramGuid                 = { 0x5802bce4, 0xeeee, 0x4e33, { 0xa1, 
0x30, 0xeb, 0xad, 0x27, 0xf0, 0xe4, 0x39 }}
diff --git a/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc b/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc
index a0bbde9985..f694b3a77c 100644
--- a/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc
+++ b/UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dsc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  ## @file
  #  UefiCpuPkg Package
-#  Copyright (c) 2007 - 2021, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+#  Copyright (c) 2007 - 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  #  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
@@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
+  CpuPageTableLib|UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableLib.inf
@@ -175,6 +176,7 @@
+  UefiCpuPkg/Library/CpuPageTableLib/CpuPageTableLib.inf

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