On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 09:18:22PM +0800, Ni, Ray wrote:
> The lib includes two APIs:
> * PageTableMap
>   It creates/updates mapping from LA to PA.
>   The implementation only supports paging structures used in 64bit
>   mode now. PAE paging structure support will be added in future.
> * PageTableParse
>    It parses the page table and returns the mapping relations in an
>   array of IA32_MAP_ENTRY.
> It passed some stress tests. These test code will be upstreamed in
> other patches following edk2 Unit Test framework.

Nice to finally see the paging library arrive.

What is the plan for splitting huge pages?  I remember several places
needed that functionality.  Will the library get functions for that in
the future?  Or is the plan to hide that from callers, i.e. have
PageTableMap() automatically create huge pages if possible and split
them if needed?


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