
> > I am not convinced that "EC is hard requirement for EDKII" just because "EC 
> > is a hard requirement for TLS 1.3". My reason below:
> > A) TLS1.3 is only for DXE, but enabling ECC unconditionally may impact 
> > PEI/DXE. (Unless size of PEI/SMM is unchanged).
> Well, the PcdEcEnabled switch we have in the tree right now enables or
> disables EC for everybody, it doesn't support enabling EC for DXE only.
> In we want change that we'll need two different *.inf files I guess,
> one for openssl with ec and one for openssl without ec.
> I'll check the effect on image sizes.

Here we go:

--- master.stats        2022-05-05 10:05:03.791368600 +0200
+++ openssl-ec.stats    2022-05-05 10:35:44.429412053 +0200
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
   124410 BdsDxe
   145534 DxeCore
   148078 UiApp
-  400158 SecureBootConfigDxe
-  472950 SecurityStubDxe
-  532626 VariableSmm
-  658174 TlsDxe
+  575390 SecureBootConfigDxe
+  643062 SecurityStubDxe
+  700562 VariableSmm
+  847422 TlsDxe
   946646 Shell

So no effect on PEI size but SMM is affected.

take care,

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