On November 3, 2021 2:31 PM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote: 
>   Hi,
> >  - AcceptPages:
> >    To mitigate the performance impact of accepting pages in SEC phase on
> >    BSP, BSP will parse memory resources and assign each AP the task of
> >    accepting a subset of pages. This command may be called several times
> >    until all memory resources are processed. In accepting pages, PageLevel
> >    may fall back to smaller one if SIZE_MISMATCH error is returned.
> Why add an assembler version of this?  There already is a C version (in 
> TdxLib,
> patch #2).  When adding lazy accept at some point in the future we will stop
> accepting all pages in the SEC phase anyway.  There is Mp support (patch #14)
> so you can distribute the load to all CPUs in PEI / DXE phase if you want
> (although the benefits of parallel accept will be much smaller once lazy
> accept is there).
There are below considerations about accept pages in SEC phase.

1. There is a minimal memory requirement in DxeCore [1]. In legacy Ovmf the 
memory is initialized in PEI phase.
But TDVF has 2 configurations (Config-A and Config-B) [2]. PEI phase is skipped 
in Config-B. So we have to accept memories in SEC phase. This is to make the 
code consistent in Config-A and Config-B.

2. TDVF's MP support is via Mailbox [3] . BSP wakes up APs by putting 
command/parameters in Mailbox. So we have this patch [4]. 
While EDK2's MP support (CpuMpPei/CpuDxe) is via INIT-SIPI-SIPI. They're 
different. We cannot distribute the load to all CPUs with EDK2's MP service.
Patch #14 [5] is the commit to enable TDX in MpInitLib. Actually this is to 
make sure the CpuMpPei/CpuDxe will not break in Td guest in run-time. Patch #14 
is rather simple, for example, ApWorker is not supported.

3. In current TDVF implementation, Stack is not set for APs. So C functions 
cannot be called for APs. If stack is set for APs, then more memories should be 
reserved in MEMFD. For example, if 1 AP needs 4k size stack, then 15 AP need 
60k memory. (We assume only 1+15 CPUs accept memory). This makes things 

Based on above considerations, we use the current design that BSP-APs accept 
memory in SEC phase (in assembly code).

[2] https://edk2.groups.io/g/devel/message/76367
 Section 4.1
[4] https://github.com/mxu9/edk2/commit/4501df794c2c4dbfc5ba63c93a1e2c96660c072e
[5] https://github.com/mxu9/edk2/commit/189ad46fb732460eaa3e3f0787f098466b1504a6


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