Hi Min,

Sorry for the late review. My comments and a few questions are inline.


On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 6:16 AM Min Xu <min.m...@intel.com> wrote:
> RFC: https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3429
> +**/
> +UINT32
> +GetGpaPageLevel (
> +  UINT32 PageSize
> +  )
> +{
> +  UINT32 Index;
> +
> +  for (Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_SIZE (mTdxAcceptPageLevelMap); Index++) {
> +    if (mTdxAcceptPageLevelMap[Index] == PageSize) {
> +      break;
> +    }
> +  }
> +
> +  return Index == ARRAY_SIZE (mTdxAcceptPageLevelMap) ? -1 : Index;

Is this intentional? Returning signed integer but the function returns
unsigned integer.

+  This function accepts a pending private page, and initialize the page to
+  all-0 using the TD ephemeral private key.
+  @param[in]  StartAddress     Guest physical address of the private page
+                               to accept.
+  @param[in]  NumberOfPages    Number of the pages to be accepted.
+  @param[in]  PageSize         GPA page size. Accept 1G/2M/4K page size.

The comment says that 1G is acceptable but the code only accepts 2M or
4K page sizes.

+  @return EFI_SUCCESS
> +TdAcceptPages (
> +  IN UINT64  StartAddress,
> +  IN UINT64  NumberOfPages,
> +  IN UINT32  PageSize
> +  )
> +{
> +  EFI_STATUS  Status;
> +  UINT64      Address;
> +  UINT64      TdxStatus;
> +  UINT64      Index;
> +  UINT32      GpaPageLevel;
> +  UINT32      PageSize2;
> +
> +  Address = StartAddress;
> +
> +  GpaPageLevel = GetGpaPageLevel (PageSize);
> +  if (GpaPageLevel == -1) {

Comparing unsigned int to signed int. I believe this should work with
GCC with warning messages.
Just checking if this is intentional?

> +    DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Accept page size must be 4K/2M. Invalid page size 
> - 0x%llx\n", PageSize));
> +  }
> +
> +  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
> +  for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfPages; Index++) {
> +    TdxStatus = TdCall (TDCALL_TDACCEPTPAGE, Address | GpaPageLevel, 0, 0, 
> 0);

Address[11:3] and [63:52] are reserved and must be 0. The code does
not check it, spec is not clear about the behavior but I am assuming
that in that case, TDX_OPERAND_INVALID will be returned as error code
but should we check and log it properly?

> +    if (TdxStatus != TDX_EXIT_REASON_SUCCESS) {
> +        if ((TdxStatus & ~0xFFFFULL) == 
> +          //
> +          // Already accepted
> +          //
> +          mNumberOfDuplicatedAcceptedPages++;

Is there any legit case that a page should be accepted twice? Looks
like other than debug printing, this information is ignored.

> +          DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "Page at Address (0x%llx) has already been 
> accepted. - %d\n", Address, mNumberOfDuplicatedAcceptedPages));
> +        } else if ((TdxStatus & ~0xFFFFULL) == 
> +          //
> +          // GpaPageLevel is mismatch, fall back to a smaller GpaPageLevel 
> if possible
> +          //
> +          DEBUG ((DEBUG_VERBOSE, "Address %llx cannot be accepted in 
> PageLevel of %d\n", Address, GpaPageLevel));
> +
> +          if (GpaPageLevel == 0) {
> +            //
> +            // Cannot fall back to smaller page level
> +            //

Could you help me understand this? So if ,for some reason, VMM maps a
2MB private page and a guest wants to accept it in 4KB page chunks,
this will always fail. Is it not a possible use case?

> +            DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "AcceptPage cannot fallback from PageLevel 
> %d\n", GpaPageLevel));
> +            Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
> +            break;
> +          } else {
> +            //
> +            // Fall back to a smaller page size
> +            //
> +            PageSize2 = mTdxAcceptPageLevelMap [GpaPageLevel - 1];
> +            Status = TdAcceptPages(Address, 512, PageSize2);
> +            if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
> +              break;
> +            }
> +          }
> +        }else {
> +
> +          //
> +          // Other errors
> +          //

Why not handle the TDX_OPERAND_BUSY?  It is not an error and tdaccept
needs to be retired, I guess, handling it like an error might cause
reliability issues.

> +          DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Address %llx (%d) failed to be accepted. 
> Error = 0x%llx\n",
> +            Address, Index, TdxStatus));
> +          Status = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
> +          break;
> +        }
> +    }
> +    Address += PageSize;
> +  }
> +  return Status;
> +}


> +**/
> +TdExtendRtmr (
> +  IN  UINT32  *Data,
> +  IN  UINT32  DataLen,
> +  IN  UINT8   Index
> +  )
> +{
> +  EFI_STATUS            Status;
> +  UINT64                TdCallStatus;
> +  UINT8                 *ExtendBuffer;
> +
> +  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
> +
> +  ASSERT (Data != NULL);
> +  ASSERT (DataLen == SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE);
> +  ASSERT (Index >= 0 && Index < RTMR_COUNT);
> +

Because of the Asserts above , the following condition will never run, right?

> +  if (Data == NULL || DataLen != SHA384_DIGEST_SIZE || Index >= RTMR_COUNT) {
> +  }
> +


> +;  UINT64
> +;  EFIAPI
> +;  TdVmCall (
> +;    UINT64  Leaf,  // Rcx
> +;    UINT64  P1,  // Rdx
> +;    UINT64  P2,  // R8
> +;    UINT64  P3,  // R9
> +;    UINT64  P4,  // rsp + 0x28
> +;    UINT64  *Val // rsp + 0x30
> +;    )
> +global ASM_PFX(TdVmCall)
> +ASM_PFX(TdVmCall):
> +       tdcall_push_regs
> +
> +       mov r11, rcx
> +       mov r12, rdx
> +       mov r13, r8
> +       mov r14, r9
> +       mov r15, [rsp + first_variable_on_stack_offset ]
> +
> +       tdcall_regs_preamble TDVMCALL, TDVMCALL_EXPOSE_REGS_MASK
> +
> +       tdcall
> +
> +       ; ignore return dataif TDCALL reports failure.

should we not panic here also?

> +       test rax, rax
> +       jnz .no_return_data
> +
> +       ; Propagate TDVMCALL success/failure to return value.
> +       mov rax, r10
> +
> +       ; Retrieve the Val pointer.
> +       mov r9, [rsp + second_variable_on_stack_offset ]
> +       test r9, r9
> +       jz .no_return_data
> +
> +       ; On success, propagate TDVMCALL output value to output param
> +       test rax, rax
> +       jnz .no_return_data
> +       mov [r9], r11
> +.no_return_data:
> +       tdcall_regs_postamble
> +
> +       tdcall_pop_regs
> +
> +       ret
> +
> +;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +; 0   => RAX = TDCALL leaf
> +; M   => RCX = TDVMCALL register behavior
> +; 1   => R10 = standard vs. vendor
> +; RDI => R11 = TDVMCALL function / nr
> +; RSI =  R12 = p1
> +; RDX => R13 = p2
> +; RCX => R14 = p3
> +; R8  => R15 = p4
> +

Above comment does not match the below definition.

> +;  UINT64
> +;  EFIAPI
> +;  TdVmCallCpuid (
> +;    UINT64  EaxIn,    // Rcx
> +;    UINT64  EcxIn,    // Rdx
> +;    UINT64  *Results  // R8
> +;    )
> +global ASM_PFX(TdVmCallCpuid)
> +ASM_PFX(TdVmCallCpuid):
> +       tdcall_push_regs
> +
> +       mov r11, EXIT_REASON_CPUID
> +       mov r12, rcx
> +       mov r13, rdx
> +
> +       ; Save *results pointers
> +       push r8
> +

Looks like we are leaking r14 and r15 here.

> +       tdcall_regs_preamble TDVMCALL, TDVMCALL_EXPOSE_REGS_MASK
> +
> +       tdcall
> +
> +       ; Panic if TDCALL reports failure.
> +       test rax, rax
> +       jnz .no_return_data
> +

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