Thanks, that looks good.

Rebecca Cran 
> On Aug 12, 2021, at 7:32 PM, gaoliming <> wrote:
> Rebecca:
>  I just merge it. Please check. 
> Thanks
> Liming
>> -----邮件原件-----
>> 发件人: <> 代表 Rebecca Cran
>> 发送时间: 2021年8月13日 0:56
>> 收件人: Andrew Fish <>; edk2-devel-groups-io
>> <>
>> 主题: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH v2] Update instructions to work on
>> modern macOS and Xcode versions
>> Could you push the commit please?
>> is still
>> showing the old content.
>> Thanks.
>> Rebecca Cran
>>> On 7/22/2021 1:10 AM, Andrew Fish wrote:
>>> Reviewed-by: Andrew Fish <>
>>>> On Jul 21, 2021, at 4:56 PM, Rebecca Cran <> wrote:
>>>> The existing instructions no longer work on macOS Big Sur and Xcode 12.5.
>>>> Update them to include for example using lldb instead of gdb, installing
>>>> XQuartz, and using modern names such as macOS instead of Mac OS X.
>>>> Also, since MacPorts is less popular these days, remove instructions for
>>>> installing tools with it, leaving steps for using Homebrew.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Rebecca Cran <>
>>>> ---
>>>> | 172 +++++++++-----------
>>>> 1 file changed, 78 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/ b/
>>>> index 3d220a5..8af2653 100644
>>>> --- a/
>>>> +++ b/
>>>> @@ -1,43 +1,28 @@
>>>> -This page provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a
>> [ EDK II] build environment on Mac OS X
>> systems using the Xcode development tools.  These steps have been verified
>> with macOS Sierra Version 10.12.4
>>>> +This page provides step-by-step instructions for setting up a [EDK
>> II]( build
>> environment on macOS systems using the Xcode development tools.  These
>> steps have been verified with macOS Big Sur 11.3.1
>>>> -# Mac OS X Xcode
>>>> -Download the latest version of
>> [Xcode]( (9.4.1 as of this writing) from 
>> the
>> Mac App Store.  After installing Xcode, you will additionally need to install
>> the extra command-line tools.  To do this, at a Terminal prompt, enter:
>>>> +# macOS Xcode
>>>> +Download the latest version of
>> [Xcode]( (12.5 as of 2021-05-09) from the
>> Mac App Store.  After installing Xcode, you will additionally need to install
>> the extra command-line tools.  To do this, at a Terminal prompt, enter:
>>>> ```
>>>> $ xcode-select --install
>>>> ```
>>>> ## Additional Development Tools
>>>> -While Xcode provides a full development environment as well as a suite of
>> different utilities, it does not provide all tools required for Tianocore
>> development.  These tools can be provided in a number of ways, but the two
>> most popular ways come from [Brew]( and
>> [MacPorts](  Installation information
>> is provided at the previous links.
>>>> -
>>>> -### MacPorts Tips
>>>> -* If you work behind a firewall and need to pass your network traffic
>> through a proxy, ensure you set the environment variable RSYNC_PROXY to
>> your http proxy in the form of ``.
>>>> -   * Remember that `sudo` by default drops most environment variables.
>> Add the `-E` option to tell `sudo` to keep your environment variables.
>>>> -* When installing MacPorts packages, if you would like to build from
>> source like traditional [FreeBSD
>> Ports]( systems, add the `-s`
>> option to the command line.  Otherwise, default behavior is to pull
>> precompiled packages.
>>>> +While Xcode provides a full development environment as well as a suite
>> of different utilities, it does not provide all tools required for TianoCore
>> development.  These tools can be provided in a number of ways, but the
>> most popular way comes from [Brew](  Installation
>> information is provided at the previous link.
>>>> ## Install mtoc
>>>> The mtoc utility is required to convert from the macOS Mach-O image
>> format to the PE/COFF format as required by the UEFI specification.
>>>> ### Brew Instructions
>>>> ```
>>>> -$ brew install mtoc
>>>> -```
>>>> -## MacPorts Instructions
>>>> -```
>>>> -$ sudo port install cctools
>>>> +$ brew install mtoc
>>>> ```
>>>> -By default, this will install `mtoc` at `/opt/local/bin/mtoc`.
>>>> # Install NASM
>>>> -The assembler used for EDK II builds is Netwide Assembler (NASM). The
>> latest version of NASM is available from
>>>> +The assembler used for EDK II builds is Netwide Assembler (NASM). The
>> latest version of NASM is available from
>>>> ## Brew Instructions
>>>> ```
>>>> $ brew install nasm
>>>> $ brew upgrade nasm
>>>> ```
>>>> -## MacPorts Instructions
>>>> -```
>>>> -$ sudo port install nasm
>>>> -```
>>>> -By default this installs `nasm` at `/opt/local/bin/nasm`.
>>>> # Install ACPI Compiler
>>>> @@ -47,26 +32,20 @@ In order to support EDK II firmware builds, the
>> latest version of the ASL compil
>>>> $ brew install acpica
>>>> $ brew upgrade acpica
>>>> ```
>>>> -## MacPorts Install
>>>> -```
>>>> -$ sudo port install acpica
>>>> -```
>>>> -By default this installs `iasl` at `/opt/local/bin/iasl`
>>>> +
>>>> +# Install XQuartz
>>>> +
>>>> +The EmulatorPkg requires headers from X11, which are provided by the
>> XQuartz project. Install it from
>>>> # Install QEMU Emulator
>>>> -On order to support running the OVMF platforms from the OvmfPkg, the
>> QEMU emulator from must be installed.
>>>> +On order to support running the OVMF platforms from the OvmfPkg, the
>> QEMU emulator from must be installed.
>>>> ## Brew Install
>>>> ```
>>>> $ brew install qemu
>>>> $ brew upgrade qemu
>>>> ```
>>>> -## MacPorts Install
>>>> -```
>>>> -$ sudo port install qemu
>>>> -```
>>>> -By default qemu is installed in `/opt/local/bin`.
>>>> ## Update PATH environment variable
>>>> Tools installed using the `brew` command are placed in `/usr/local/bin`.
>> The `PATH` environment variable must be updated so the newly installed tools
>> are used instead of older pre-installed tools.
>>>> @@ -75,11 +54,6 @@ Tools installed using the `brew` command are
>> placed in `/usr/local/bin`.  The `P
>>>> export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
>>>> ```
>>>> -Tools installed using the `port` should automatically be in your shell's 
>>>> PATH.
>> If not, you can manually set it by:
>>>> -```
>>>> -export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
>>>> -```
>>>> -
>>>> # Verify tool versions
>>>> Run the following commands to verify the versions of the tools that have
>> been installed.
>>>> @@ -97,84 +71,94 @@ Pick the location you want to down load the files
>> to and `cd` to that directory:
>>>> ```
>>>> cd ~/work
>>>> git clone
>>>> +cd edk2
>>>> +git submodule update --init
>>>> ```
>>>> -# Build from Command Line/Debug with gdb
>>>> +# Build from Command Line/Debug with lldb
>>>> -Build the UnixPkg:
>>>> +Build the EmulatorPkg:
>>>> ```
>>>> -cd ~/work/edk2/UnixPkg
>>>> +cd ~/work/edk2/EmulatorPkg
>>>> ./
>>>> ```
>>>> -Debug the UnixPkg
>>>> +Debug the EmulatorPkg
>>>> ```
>>>> ./ run
>>>> -Building from: /Users/fish/work/edk2
>>>> +Initializing workspace
>>>> +/Users/bcran/src/edk2/BaseTools
>>>> +Loading previous configuration from
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/Conf/
>>>> +Using EDK2 in-source Basetools
>>>> +WORKSPACE: /Users/bcran/src/edk2
>>>> +EDK_TOOLS_PATH: /Users/bcran/src/edk2/BaseTools
>>>> +CONF_PATH: /Users/bcran/src/edk2/Conf
>>>> using prebuilt tools
>>>> -Reading symbols for shared libraries ...... done
>>>> -Breakpoint 1 at 0xce84: file
>> /Users/fish/work/edk2/UnixPkg/Sec/SecMain.c, line 1070.
>>>> -(gdb)
>>>> -```
>>>> -
>>>> -Type `r` at the gdb prompt (don't forget to hit carriage return) to boot 
>>>> the
>> emulator. Ctrl-c in the terminal window will break in to gdb. bt is the stack
>> backtrace command:
>>>> -
>>>> -```
>>>> -^C
>>>> -Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
>>>> -0x92423806 in __semwait_signal ()
>>>> -(gdb) bt
>>>> -#0  0x92423806 in __semwait_signal ()
>>>> -#1  0x9244f441 in nanosleep$UNIX2003 ()
>>>> -#2  0x0000b989 in msSleep (Milliseconds=0x14) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/UnixPkg/Sec/UnixThunk.c:102
>>>> -#3  0x0000acf5 in UgaCheckKey (UgaIo=0x2078d0) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/UnixPkg/Sec/UgaX11.c:380
>>>> -#4  0x0000d8b7 in _GasketUintn () at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/Build/Unix/DEBUG_XCODE32/IA32/UnixPk
>> g/Sec/SecMain/OUTPUT/Ia32/Gasket.iii:63
>>>> -#5  0x0000d801 in GasketUgaCheckKey (UgaIo=0x2078d0) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/UnixPkg/Sec/Gasket.c:406
>>>> -#6  0x454a25fb in UnixUgaSimpleTextInWaitForKey (Event=0x45603610,
>> Context=0x45382110) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/UnixPkg/UnixUgaDxe/UnixUgaInput.c:169
>>>> -#7  0x45faad3a in CoreDispatchEventNotifies (Priority=0x10) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:1
>> 85
>>>> -#8  0x45faa639 in CoreRestoreTpl (NewTpl=0x4) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Tpl.c:114
>>>> -#9  0x45f9f197 in CoreReleaseLock (Lock=0x45fb1024) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Library/Library.
>> c:102
>>>> -#10 0x45faabd6 in CoreReleaseEventLock () at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:1
>> 13
>>>> -#11 0x45fab26c in CoreCheckEvent (UserEvent=0x45603210) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:5
>> 62
>>>> -#12 0x45fab2db in CoreWaitForEvent (NumberOfEvents=0x1,
>> UserEvents=0x45f94cc4, UserIndex=0x45f94cb8) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:6
>> 21
>>>> -#13 0x49ce9557 in ?? ()
>>>> -#14 0x49cf0344 in ?? ()
>>>> -#15 0x49ce3bc2 in ?? ()
>>>> -#16 0x49ce3ae1 in ?? ()
>>>> -#17 0x45f9e4e3 in CoreStartImage (ImageHandle=0x49e31e10,
>> ExitDataSize=0x45f94eec, ExitData=0x45f94ee8) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Image/Image.c:
>> 1260
>>>> -#18 0x4550cccc in BdsLibBootViaBootOption (Option=0x49ffa110,
>> DevicePath=0x49ffa190, ExitDataSize=0x45f94eec, ExitData=0x45f94ee8) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Library/Generi
>> cBdsLib/BdsBoot.c:382
>>>> -#19 0x455252a9 in BdsBootDeviceSelect () at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/Bds
>> Dxe/BdsEntry.c:214
>>>> -#20 0x455255bc in BdsEntry (This=0x4552d01c) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/Bds
>> Dxe/BdsEntry.c:356
>>>> -#21 0x45fad7e8 in DxeMain (HobStart=0x45f70010) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DxeM
>> ain.c:425
>>>> -#22 0x45fadd1d in ProcessModuleEntryPointList (HobStart=0x42020000)
>> at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/Build/Unix/DEBUG_XCODE32/IA32/MdeM
>> odulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DEBUG/AutoGen.c:287
>>>> -#23 0x45f97773 in _ModuleEntryPoint (HobStart=0x42020000) at
>> /Users/fish/work/Migration/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreEntryPoint/DxeCo
>> reEntryPoint.c:54
>>>> -(gdb)
>>>> +(lldb) target create "./Host"
>>>> +Current executable set to
>> '/Users/bcran/src/edk2/Build/EmulatorX64/DEBUG_XCODE5/X64/Host'
>> (x86_64).
>>>> +(lldb) command script import
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/EmulatorPkg/Unix/
>>>> +Type r to run emulator. SecLldbScriptBreak armed. EFI modules should
>> now get source level debugging in the emulator.
>>>> +(lldb) script lldb.debugger.SetAsync(True)
>>>> +(lldb) run
>>>> +Process 12155 launched:
>> '/Users/bcran/src/edk2/Build/EmulatorX64/DEBUG_XCODE5/X64/Host'
>> (x86_64)
>>>> +
>>>> +EDK II UNIX Host Emulation Environment from
>>>> +  BootMode 0x00
>>>> +  OS Emulator passing in 128 KB of temp RAM at 0x102000000 to SEC
>>>> +  FD loaded from ../FV/FV_RECOVERY.fd at 0x102020000 contains SEC
>> Core
>>>> +...
>>>> +```
>>>> +
>>>> +Type `process interrupt` at the lldb prompt (don't forget to hit carriage
>> return) to pause execution. Ctrl-c in the terminal window will quit lldb. 
>> `bt` is
>> the stack backtrace command:
>>>> +
>>>> +```
>>>> +Process 12420 stopped
>>>> +* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal
>>>> +    frame #0: 0x00007fff2033cc22
>> libsystem_kernel.dylib:__semwait_signal() + 10
>>>> +libsystem_kernel.dylib`__semwait_signal:
>>>> +->  0x7fff2033cc22 <+10>: jae    0x7fff2033cc2c            ;
>> <+20>
>>>> +    0x7fff2033cc24 <+12>: movq   %rax, %rdi
>>>> +    0x7fff2033cc27 <+15>: jmp    0x7fff2033b72d            ;
>> cerror
>>>> +    0x7fff2033cc2c <+20>: retq
>>>> +Target 0: (Host) stopped.
>>>> +(lldb) bt
>>>> +* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal
>>>> +  * frame #0: 0x00007fff2033cc22
>> libsystem_kernel.dylib:__semwait_signal() + 10
>>>> +    frame #1: 0x00007fff202bcc2a libsystem_c.dylib:nanosleep() + 196
>>>> +    frame #2: 0x0000000100005e55 Host:SecCpuSleep() + 37 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/EmulatorPkg/Unix/Host/EmuThunk.c:334
>>>> +    frame #3: 0x000000010000e96e Host:GasketSecCpuSleep() + 11 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/Build/EmulatorX64/DEBUG_XCODE5/X64/EmulatorPk
>> g/Unix/Host/Host/OUTPUT/X64/Gasket.iiii:283
>>>> +    frame #4: 0x0000000106f985e9
>> DxeCore.dll:CoreDispatchEventNotifies() + 264 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:194
>>>> +    frame #5: 0x0000000106f97fce DxeCore.dll:CoreRestoreTpl() + 227
>> at /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Tpl.c:131
>>>> +    frame #6: 0x0000000106f989db DxeCore.dll:CoreSignalEvent() + 111
>> at /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:566
>>>> +    frame #7: 0x0000000106f98b01 DxeCore.dll:CoreWaitForEvent() +
>> 94 at /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/Event/Event.c:707
>>>> +    frame #8: 0x0000000113e8e54c BdsDxe.dll:BdsWaitForSingleEvent()
>> + 127 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsEntry.c:250
>>>> +    frame #9: 0x0000000113e8e70b BdsDxe.dll:BdsWait() + 215 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsEntry.c:328
>>>> +    frame #10: 0x0000000113e8dffb BdsDxe.dll:BdsEntry() + 2612 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/BdsDxe/BdsEntry.c:1012
>>>> +    frame #11: 0x0000000106f9bbd6 DxeCore.dll:DxeMain() + 2791 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe/DxeMain/DxeMain.c:551
>>>> +    frame #12: 0x0000000106f9ed8f DxeCore.dll:_ModuleEntryPoint() +
>> 20 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdePkg/Library/DxeCoreEntryPoint/DxeCoreEntryPoi
>> nt.c:48
>>>> +    frame #13: 0x0000000106fdd02f DxeIpl.dll:InternalSwitchStack() +
>> 15
>>>> +    frame #14: 0x0000000106fdc0b6 DxeIpl.dll:HandOffToDxeCore() +
>> 546 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/X64/DxeLoadFunc.
>> c:126
>>>> +    frame #15: 0x0000000106fda78a DxeIpl.dll:DxeLoadCore() + 1354 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/DxeIplPeim/DxeLoad.c:449
>>>> +    frame #16: 0x0000000106ff1d7c
>>>> +    frame #17: 0x00000001020255c6 PeiCore.dll:PeiCore() + 1982 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/PeiMain/PeiMain.c:331
>>>> +    frame #18: 0x000000010202a82c
>> PeiCore.dll:PeiCheckAndSwitchStack() + 1171 at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.c:84
>> 2
>>>> +    frame #19: 0x000000010202b853 PeiCore.dll:PeiDispatcher() + 1206
>> at
>> /Users/bcran/src/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.c:16
>> 09
>>>> +(lldb)
>>>> +
>>>> ```
>>>> # Build and Debug from Xcode
>>>> -To build from the Xcode GUI open
>> ~/work/edk2/UnixPkg/Xcode/xcode_project/xcode_project.xcodeproj. You
>> can build, clean, and source level debug   from the Xcode GUI. You can hit
>> the Build and Debug button to start the build process. You need to need to 
>> hit
>> command-shift-B to show the output of the build. Click Pause to break into
>> the debugger.
>>>> -
>>>> -[[File:Xcode.jpg]]
>>>> +To build from the Xcode GUI open
>> ~/work/edk2/EmulatorPkg/Unix/Xcode/xcode_project64/xcode_project.xcod
>> eproj. You can build, clean, and source level debug from the Xcode GUI. You
>> can hit the Build and Debug button to start the build process. You need to
>> need to hit command-shift-B to show the output of the build. Click Pause to
>> break into the debugger.
>>>> The stack trace contains items that show as ?? since the default shell is
>> checked in as a binary. `nanosleep$UNIX2003` and `__semwait_signal` are
>> POSIX library calls and you do not get C source debug with these symbols.
>>>> -# Source Level Debug Shell
>>>> -
>>>> -It is possible to get source level debug for the EFI Shell by pulling 
>>>> these
>> projects from source control and building them.
>>>> -
>>>> -Instructions for building and hooking in the shell are located in the
>> [
>> l gcc-shell] project.
>>>> -
>>>> -Please note the gcc-shell and UnixPkg build separately, so if you update
>> shell code you need to build the shell to see the changes. The following 
>> screen
>> shot shows being able to source level debug the shell:
>>>> -
>>>> -[[File:Xcode_good.jpg]]
>>>> +*Note* The Xcode project is currently (as of 2021-05-09) broken.
>>>> # See Also
>>>> -* [[Step-by-step instructions]]
>>>> -
>>>> # Continue with common instructions
>>>> -The [remaining instructions](../Common-instructions) are common for
>> most UNIX-like systems.
>>>> +The [remaining
>> instructions](
>> -instructions-for-Unix) are common for most UNIX-like systems.
>>>> --
>>>> 2.30.1 (Apple Git-130)

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