On 04/29/21 11:43, Thore Sommer wrote:
> I think I found my problem.
> The latest kernel from master probes if the table actually includes some
> values. This was introduced in 3dcd15665aca80197333500a4be3900948afccc1
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=3dcd15665aca80197333500a4be3900948afccc1
> This commit is not in the 5.12 release, but is in the latest master branch.
> Thank you for helping me troubleshoot this problem.
> I've learned a lot over the last few days.

Thanks for reporting back -- the kernel patch is from Stefan Berger; I'm
relieved he knows about this.


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