Laszlo: I agree this point. The guideline is to collect the feedback in one week, not the deadline to finish the code review.
Thanks Liming > -----邮件原件----- > 发件人: Laszlo Ersek <> > 发送时间: 2020年9月29日 1:15 > 收件人: gaoliming <>;; >; 'Guptha, Soumya K' <>; > > 抄送: 'Leif Lindholm (Nuvia address)' <>; 'Kinney, Michael D' > <>; 'Andrew Fish' <> > 主题: Re: 回复: [edk2-devel] Tianocore community page on who we are - please > review > > Hi Liming, > > On 09/27/20 04:32, gaoliming wrote: > > > Guidelines for a Maintainer. Never let a pending request get older than a > > calendar week. This requirement is too strict to the maintainer or reviewer. > > The maintainer or reviewer should try to give the response in one week. But, > > they may not fully review one patch set in one week, es for the feature or > > the complex change. > > This requirement is about providing initial feedback. In other words, > about starting the review. > > It's very important to provide initial feedback within a week. > > I agree that more time than a week may be necessary for finishing / > completing a review. > > "Letting a pending request get older than a week" means that there is > zero response within a week. If there is some response (albeit possibly > incomplete), then things are good. > > Thanks > Laszlo -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Links: You receive all messages sent to this group. View/Reply Online (#65693): Mute This Topic: Group Owner: Unsubscribe: [] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-