Thanks Liming.

It seems I have some misunderstanding here.

According to current process, I feel that only maintainer has right to 
*approve* the patch.
The reviewer cannot approve the patch. 
Do you mean the reviewer can also approve the patch?

According to,
 I don’t think "Reviewer takes role 1~4.". (I am confused here ... So please do 
correct me if I am wrong.)
Role of a Reviewer
Reviewers help maintainers review code, but don't have push access.

A designated Package Reviewer:

shall be reasonably familiar with the Package (or some modules thereof)

will be copied on the patch discussions,

and/or provides testing or regression testing for the Package (or some modules 
thereof), in certain platforms and environments.

Thank you
Yao Jiewen

> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> On Behalf Of
> gaoliming
> Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2020 10:33 AM
> To:; Yao, Jiewen <>; Guptha,
> Soumya K <>;
> Cc:; 'Leif Lindholm (Nuvia address)' <>;
> Kinney, Michael D <>; 'Andrew Fish'
> <>
> Subject: [edk2-announce] 回复: [edk2-devel] Tianocore community page on
> who we are - please review
> Jiewen:
>  Now, we have reviewer and maintainer role. Reviewer takes role 1~4.
> Maintainer takes role 1~7. If the people know edk2 process well, they mostly
> know edk2 one or more packages (modules). So, they can take Maintainer role.
> If the people only focus on the technical review, they can take reviewer
> role. I would suggest there is at lease one Maintainer for each package.
> There are more reviewers for each package.
> Soumya:
>  Here are my comments.
>   Guidelines for a Maintainer. Never let a pending request get older than a
> calendar week. This requirement is too strict to the maintainer or reviewer.
> The maintainer or reviewer should try to give the response in one week. But,
> they may not fully review one patch set in one week, es for the feature or
> the complex change.
> Role of a Contributor/developer. We need to highlight the role &
> responsibility for the incompatible change. If the contributor proposes the
> incompatible change, he needs to coordinate with the impacted platform
> maintainer and make the agreement who will follow up to update the impacted
> platforms before he requests to merge his patch set. The impacted platforms
> include all ones in Edk2 and Edk2Platforms.
> Last, this page also needs to include release maintainer Definition and
> Role. The release maintainer is to create the quarterly stable tag. He takes
> the role to collect the feature planning for each stable tag, schedule the
> release date, and create the stable tag with the release notes on tag page.
> He will also send the announcement of soft feature freeze, hard feature
> freeze and the stable tag completement to edk2 community.
> Thanks
> Liming
> 发件人:
> <> 代表 Yao, Jiewen
> 发送时间: 2020年9月26日 13:33
> 收件人:; Yao, Jiewen <>; Guptha,
> Soumya K <>;
> 主题: Re: [edk2-devel] Tianocore community page on who we are - please
> review
> Some other thought is about maintainer’s role definition:
> The role of a maintainer is to:
> 1.    Maintainer assignments to packages and source file name patterns are
> provided in the "
> <> Maintainers.
> txt" file.
> 2.    Subscribe to the "edk2-bugs" mailing list
> <>, which
> propagates TianoCore Bugzilla  <>
> actions via email. Keep a close eye on new
> issues reported for their assigned packages. Participate in triaging and
> analyzing bugs filed for their assigned packages.
> 3.    Responsible for reviewing patches and answering questions from
> contributors, on the edk2-devel mailing list
> <>
> 4.    Responsible for coordinating patch review with co-maintainers and
> reviewers of the same package.
> 5.    Has push / merge access to the merge branch.
> 6.    Responsible for merging approved patches into the master branch.
> 7.    Follow the EDK II development
> <
> ocess> process.
> IMHO, the 1~4 need technical expertise, while 5~7 need process expertise.
> Logically, the can be two separated roles and be done by two different
> persons.
> A people who has strong technical expertise might NOT be the best person to
> do the integration, and vice versa. I hope we can let right person do right
> thing in right way.
> For example, to avoid mistake during check in, 5~7 can be done by a role
> named “integrator”.
> My dream is that check-in process is just one click button. But it seems we
> are still far from it…
> My two cents.
> Thank you
> Yao Jiewen
> From: <>
> < <> > On Behalf Of Yao,
> Jiewen
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 1:09 PM
> To: <> ; Guptha, Soumya K
> < <> >;
> <>
> Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] Tianocore community page on who we are - please
> review
> Thanks Soumya. I think this is a good start.
> Recently we are discussing the maintainer’s work in EDKII mailing list,
> with title “more development process failure”.
> I feel the process mentioned in
> cess is not clear enough to follow, especially for the maintainer who is not
> full time working on EDKII.
> I wish we can have this opportunity to revisit the “Follow the EDK II
> development
> <
> ocess> process” and make “the process” simpler and clearer.
> Then all maintainers can sign to follow one rule. The rule we define and the
> rule we agree with.
> Thank you
> Yao Jiewen
> From: <>
> < <> > On Behalf Of Soumya
> Guptha
> Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2020 6:35 AM
> To: <> ;
> <>
> Subject: [edk2-devel] Tianocore community page on who we are - please review
> Dear Community members,
> I have drafted a document “who we are”, explaining Tianocore community
> structure, members of the community, their role and the current development
> process. I have drafted this document with the help of the Tianocore
> Stewards.
> We view this as a living document, as our development processes evolve, I
> will keep this document updated.
> Please review the draft version of the document (link below) and provide
> your feedback. Please send it to me, no need to reply all.
> I appreciate your input by Friday, Oct 2. After this, I plan on make it live
> on our TianoCore wiki site.
> Link:
> Thanks,
> Soumya
> Soumya Guptha
> TianoCore Community Manager

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