On 6/15/20 3:59 PM, Sami Mujawar via Groups.Io wrote:
Apologies for top replying. I am not sure if it is my setup where I see additional characters (e.g. =0D at the end of each line) which appear to confuse my email client.

That must be Thunderbird playing tricks.

 > UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions (=0D
Can the function documentation for UpdateMmFoundationPeCoffPermissions() and GetStandaloneMmCorePeCoffSections() be updated to reflect the additional parameter ImageBase, please?


On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 01:17 AM, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:

    + *ImageBase =3D ImageContext->ImageAddress;=0D

I think the '*ImageBase = ImageContext->ImageAddress;' statement can be moved inside the if condition.

No, the TE branch of the if() does a subtraction so it needs the value to be set beforehand.

With these changes.

Reviewed-by: Sami Mujawar <sami.muja...@arm.com>

Sami Mujawar

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