On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 13:44:48 +0200, Ard Biesheuvel wrote:
> Gary reports the GCC 10 will emit calls to atomics intrinsics routines
> unless -mno-outline-atomics is specified. This means GCC-10 introduces
> new intrinsics, and even though it would be possible to work around this
> by specifying the command line option, this would require a new GCC10
> toolchain profile to be created, which we prefer to avoid.
> So instead, add the new intrinsics to our library so they are provided
> when necessary.
> Signed-off-by: Ard Biesheuvel <ard.biesheu...@arm.com>

I feel unsure about whether this change is still proposed to go in,
but if it is, please fold in a BZ reference
(https://bugzilla.tianocore.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2723) in commit
message. With that:

Reviewed-by: Leif Lindholm <l...@nuviainc.com>

> ---
> v2:
> - add missing .globl to export the functions from the object file
> - add function end markers so the size of each is visible in the ELF metadata
> - add some comments to describe what is going on
>  ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf |   3 +
>  ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/AArch64/Atomics.S         | 142 
> ++++++++++++++++++++
>  2 files changed, 145 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf 
> b/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf
> index d5bad9467758..fcf48c678119 100644
> --- a/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf
> +++ b/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/CompilerIntrinsicsLib.inf
> @@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ [Sources.ARM]
>    Arm/ldivmod.asm      | MSFT
>    Arm/llsr.asm         | MSFT
> +[Sources.AARCH64]
> +  AArch64/Atomics.S    | GCC
> +
>  [Packages]
>    MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
>    ArmPkg/ArmPkg.dec
> diff --git a/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/AArch64/Atomics.S 
> b/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/AArch64/Atomics.S
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..dc61d6bb8e52
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/ArmPkg/Library/CompilerIntrinsicsLib/AArch64/Atomics.S
> @@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
> +#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +#
> +# Copyright (c) 2020, Arm, Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
> +#
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
> +#
> +#------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Provide the GCC intrinsics that are required when using GCC 9 or
> +      * later with the -moutline-atomics options (which became the default
> +      * in GCC 10)
> +      */
> +     .arch armv8-a
> +
> +     .macro          reg_alias, pfx, sz
> +     r0_\sz          .req    \pfx\()0
> +     r1_\sz          .req    \pfx\()1
> +     tmp0_\sz        .req    \pfx\()16
> +     tmp1_\sz        .req    \pfx\()17
> +     .endm
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Define register aliases of the right type for each size
> +      * (xN for 8 bytes, wN for everything smaller)
> +      */
> +     reg_alias       w, 1
> +     reg_alias       w, 2
> +     reg_alias       w, 4
> +     reg_alias       x, 8
> +
> +     .macro          fn_start, name:req
> +     .section        .text.\name
> +     .globl          \name
> +     .type           \name, %function
> +\name\():
> +     .endm
> +
> +     .macro          fn_end, name:req
> +     .size           \name, . - \name
> +     .endm
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Emit an atomic helper for \model with operands of size \sz, using
> +      * the operation specified by \insn (which is the LSE name), and which
> +      * can be implemented using the generic load-locked/store-conditional
> +      * (LL/SC) sequence below, using the arithmetic operation given by
> +      * \opc.
> +      */
> +     .macro          emit_ld_sz, sz:req, insn:req, opc:req, model:req, s, a, 
> l
> +     fn_start        __aarch64_\insn\()\sz\()\model
> +     mov             tmp0_\sz, r0_\sz
> +0:   ld\a\()xr\s     r0_\sz, [x1]
> +     .ifnc           \insn, swp
> +     \opc            tmp1_\sz, r0_\sz, tmp0_\sz
> +     .else
> +     \opc            tmp1_\sz, tmp0_\sz
> +     .endif
> +     st\l\()xr\s     w15, tmp1_\sz, [x1]
> +     cbnz            w15, 0b
> +     ret
> +     fn_end          __aarch64_\insn\()\sz\()\model
> +     .endm
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Emit atomic helpers for \model for operand sizes in the
> +      * set {1, 2, 4, 8}, for the instruction pattern given by
> +      * \insn. (This is the LSE name, but this implementation uses
> +      * the generic LL/SC sequence using \opc as the arithmetic
> +      * operation on the target.)
> +      */
> +     .macro          emit_ld, insn:req, opc:req, model:req, a, l
> +     emit_ld_sz      1, \insn, \opc, \model, b, \a, \l
> +     emit_ld_sz      2, \insn, \opc, \model, h, \a, \l
> +     emit_ld_sz      4, \insn, \opc, \model,  , \a, \l
> +     emit_ld_sz      8, \insn, \opc, \model,  , \a, \l
> +     .endm
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Emit the compare and swap helper for \model and size \sz
> +      * using LL/SC instructions.
> +      */
> +     .macro          emit_cas_sz, sz:req, model:req, uxt:req, s, a, l
> +     fn_start        __aarch64_cas\sz\()\model
> +     \uxt            tmp0_\sz, r0_\sz
> +0:   ld\a\()xr\s     r0_\sz, [x2]
> +     cmp             r0_\sz, tmp0_\sz
> +     bne             1f
> +     st\l\()xr\s     w15, r1_\sz, [x2]
> +     cbnz            w15, 0b
> +1:   ret
> +     fn_end          __aarch64_cas\sz\()\model
> +     .endm
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Emit compare-and-swap helpers for \model for operand sizes in the
> +      * set {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}.
> +      */
> +     .macro          emit_cas, model:req, a, l
> +     emit_cas_sz     1, \model, uxtb, b, \a, \l
> +     emit_cas_sz     2, \model, uxth, h, \a, \l
> +     emit_cas_sz     4, \model, mov ,  , \a, \l
> +     emit_cas_sz     8, \model, mov ,  , \a, \l
> +
> +     /*
> +      * We cannot use the parameterized sequence for 16 byte CAS, so we
> +      * need to define it explicitly.
> +      */
> +     fn_start        __aarch64_cas16\model
> +     mov             x16, x0
> +     mov             x17, x1
> +0:   ld\a\()xp       x0, x1, [x4]
> +     cmp             x0, x16
> +     ccmp            x1, x17, #0, eq
> +     bne             1f
> +     st\l\()xp       w15, x16, x17, [x4]
> +     cbnz            w15, 0b
> +1:   ret
> +     fn_end          __aarch64_cas16\model
> +     .endm
> +
> +     /*
> +      * Emit the set of GCC outline atomic helper functions for
> +      * the memory ordering model given by \model:
> +      * - relax      unordered loads and stores
> +      * - acq        load-acquire, unordered store
> +      * - rel        unordered load, store-release
> +      * - acq_rel    load-acquire, store-release
> +      */
> +     .macro          emit_model, model:req, a, l
> +     emit_ld         ldadd, add, \model, \a, \l
> +     emit_ld         ldclr, bic, \model, \a, \l
> +     emit_ld         ldeor, eor, \model, \a, \l
> +     emit_ld         ldset, orr, \model, \a, \l
> +     emit_ld         swp,   mov, \model, \a, \l
> +     emit_cas        \model, \a, \l
> +     .endm
> +
> +     emit_model      _relax
> +     emit_model      _acq, a
> +     emit_model      _rel,, l
> +     emit_model      _acq_rel, a, l
> -- 
> 2.17.1

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