Sorry let me clarify a little more.  I don't doubt that you spending the time 
to validate a patch using OVMF catches issues and regressions.  I am very 
appreciative of that effort, my point is you could do that without being in the 
edk2 tree and in fact we need to enable and request that more do that for their 
given platforms (Platform CI needs to make this possible).  I also didn't mean 
to imply that you only wanted your platform in the tree.  My ask is that we 
evaluate a strategy where all platforms and all things not "core" get removed 
from edk2 proper.   This means silicon specific modules move into silicon 
specific repos and packages full of limited use modules get moved out too. At 
that point we can focus edk2 on delivering a small, high quality core and focus 
the community on workflows that leverage multiple repos.  There are numerous 
ways to keep multiple repos in sync that allow a user to root cause 
regressions.  Using submodules is one way to easily track the version of edk2 
that was/is used in the platform repo and when issues are identified the commit 
history can be bisected to find the problem.  One other great benefit of 
multiple repos is that the repo maintainers can define their own workflows and 

I am not as proficient as you at mailing list management.  Nor are the people I 
interact with given that we all often miss many things we would like to comment 
on or change until post commit/integration.  I equate much of this to the 
mailing list review process and the value to noise ratio of the mailing list.   
So although one package may not overwhelm, it does continue to distract from 
the most critical of changes in the core.


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