huage1994 commented on PR #4498:

   > Sorry if I was vague here. Let me describe it in a little more detail. 
During the tests the project `zeppelin-integration` is executed. In my opinion 
this sub-module has to define all dependencies in the `pom.xml` so that the 
tests can be executed successfully, without install the whole zeppelin project 
via `mvn install` before. Unfortunately this is not yet the case, because only 
a few dependencies are needed during the installation.
   > ```
   > ./mvnw package -pl zeppelin-integration -Pintegration -am -DskipTests
   > [INFO] Scanning for projects...
   > [WARNING] The project 
org.apache.zeppelin:zeppelin-integration:jar:0.11.0-SNAPSHOT uses prerequisites 
which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin 
projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See
   > [INFO] 
   > [INFO] Reactor Build Order:
   > [INFO] 
   > [INFO] Zeppelin                                                           
   > [INFO] Zeppelin: Common                                                   
   > [INFO] Zeppelin: Interpreter                                              
   > [INFO] Zeppelin: Jupyter Support                                          
   > [INFO] Zeppelin: Zengine                                                  
   > [INFO] Zeppelin: Integration Test                                         
   > ```
   > My point is that it may not be necessary to install the Zeppelin plugins 
at all.
   Hi @Reamer , thanks a lot for your advice.  It took me a while to get to 
know the module `zeppelin-integration`  and I really learned a lot.
   I've define all dependencies in the pom.xml of submodule 
`zeppelin-integration`.   It works well in   frontend job 
   But in the other frontend Job `run-e2e-tests-in-zeppelin-web`,  I think it 
is inappropriate to add test dependencies in pom.xml of `zeppelin-web` .  I 
still use `./mvnw clean package -pl zeppelin-integration -B -Pintegration 
-Pspark-scala-2.11 -Pspark-2.4 -Phadoop2 -DskipTests -DskipRat -am` to install  
as few modules as possible.
   How do you think about it?

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