zjffdu commented on a change in pull request #4299:
URL: https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/pull/4299#discussion_r815616023

File path: 
@@ -693,39 +691,55 @@ public void testRunAllParagraph_FirstFailed() throws 
IOException {
   public void testCloneNote() throws IOException {
-    LOG.info("Running testCloneNote");
-    String note1Id = null;
-    String clonedNoteId = null;
-    try {
-      note1Id = TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).createNote("note1", 
-      CloseableHttpResponse post = httpPost("/notebook/" + note1Id, "");
-      String postResponse = EntityUtils.toString(post.getEntity(), 
-      LOG.info("testCloneNote response\n" + postResponse);
-      assertThat(post, isAllowed());
-      Map<String, Object> resp = gson.fromJson(postResponse,
-              new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() {}.getType());
-      clonedNoteId = (String) resp.get("body");
-      post.close();
-      CloseableHttpResponse get = httpGet("/notebook/" + clonedNoteId);
-      assertThat(get, isAllowed());
-      Map<String, Object> resp2 = 
gson.fromJson(EntityUtils.toString(get.getEntity(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8),
-              new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() {}.getType());
-      Map<String, Object> resp2Body = (Map<String, Object>) resp2.get("body");
-      //    assertEquals(resp2Body.get("name"), "Note " + clonedNoteId);
-      get.close();
-    } finally {
-      // cleanup
-      if (null != note1Id) {
-        TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).removeNote(note1Id, anonymous);
-      }
-      if (null != clonedNoteId) {
-        TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class).removeNote(clonedNoteId, 
+      LOG.info("Running testCloneNote");
+      String note1Id = null;
+      List<String> clonedNoteIds = new ArrayList<>();
+      try {
+          Notebook notebook = TestUtils.getInstance(Notebook.class);
+          note1Id = notebook.createNote("note1", anonymous);
+          NotebookRepoWithVersionControl.Revision first_commit =
+                  notebook.processNote(note1Id, note ->
+                          notebook.checkpointNote(note.getId(), 
note.getPath(), "first commit", anonymous));
+          // Clone a note
+          CloseableHttpResponse post1 = httpPost("/notebook/" + note1Id, "");
+          // Clone a revision of note
+          CloseableHttpResponse post2 =
+                  httpPost("/notebook/" + note1Id, "{ revisionId: " + 
first_commit.id + "}" );
+          // Verify the responses
+          for (CloseableHttpResponse post: Arrays.asList(post1, post2)) {

Review comment:
       Should also verify whether the note is cloned correctly, e.g. if you 
clone a note with revisionId, is the content of the cloned note correct?

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