
Tim Allison commented on TIKA-4393:

Thank you for opening this issue. I haven't worked much in this area of the 
codebase. On a quick review, it looks like even with a synchronized method, the 
underlying map's contents would not be threadsafe -- AbstractConverter 
maintains and modifies instance data. For example, in MSOfficeXMLConverter, the 
call to {{process(...)}} calls {{super.setMetadata(metadata)}}.

It looks like we need to create new converters for each call to convert or use 
threadlocal, which I really want to avoid.

We should add multithreaded tests on the same document type to confirm my above 
suspicions from the code review.


> Thread-safety issue in TikaToXMP.getConverterMap()
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: TIKA-4393
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-4393
>             Project: Tika
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: tika-app
>    Affects Versions: 2.9.3, 3.1.0
>         Environment: java 8, fedora 3.9, tika 2.9.3
>            Reporter: Ghiles OUAREZKI
>            Priority: Minor
> h2. Description:
> We execute TikaToXmp conversion in a multithreaded environment where we call 
> multiple conversion at the same time. According to new parser contribution 
> guide, there is nothing about thread-safety. During our test, a thread-safety 
> issue has been found in the getConverterMap() method of the TikaToXMP class 
> in the tika-xmp module.
> We are currently using the 2.9.3 version. We checked in the latest version 
> and we think the behavior is the same.
> h2. Problem:
> The method manipulates the static class variable converterMap, but it is not 
> thread-safe. Since there is no synchronization mechanism, multiple threads 
> can enter getConverterMap() at the same time and create different instances 
> of converterMap, leading to potential race conditions.
> Current code:
> {code:java}
> private static Map<MediaType, Class<? extends ITikaToXMPConverter>> 
> converterMap;
> private static Map<MediaType, Class<? extends ITikaToXMPConverter>> 
> getConverterMap() {
>     if (converterMap == null) {
>         converterMap = new HashMap<>();
>         initialize();
>     }
>     return converterMap;
> }
> {code}
> If multiple threads call getConverterMap() simultaneously when converterMap 
> is still null, they might create multiple instances of converterMap, which 
> can lead to unexpected behavior.
> h2. 
> Potential solution:
> To ensure thread safety, we offer a simple patch : to synchronize 
> getConverterMap() so that only one thread can initialize converterMap at a 
> time. The fix consists of adding the *synchronized* keyword to the method:
> {code:java}
> private static synchronized Map<MediaType, Class<? extends 
> ITikaToXMPConverter>> getConverterMap() {
>     if (converterMap == null) {
>         converterMap = new HashMap<>();
>         initialize();
>     }
>     return converterMap;
> }{code}

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