On Fri, Apr 09, 2021 at 01:07:01PM -0700, Jeremy wrote: > On 04/09/21 09:07PM, Hadrien Lacour wrote: > > On Fri, Apr 09, 2021 at 08:24:35PM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote: > > > I have studied Engineering Physics at IIT Delhi. There, Computer Science > > > guys are insane geniuses. They don't bother to set their system up. Very > > > few do. Most use dual boot Ubuntu and Windows. Now that I have completed > > > my Bachelor degree, I do not know a single person in my surroundings who > > > uses GNU/Linux or BSD OSes. > > Which goes on to show that Computer Science has nothing to do with > > computers and > > that scientists aren't necessarily the same as engineers/programmers, > > nor are they wiser than average. > > (I say that coming from one of the best universities in France; I didn't > > have > > very much respect left for the word "scientist" when I left). > > > > Do architects lay brick? >
No, but they better understand how bricks work. Unless "architect" just means "designer", nowadays, and I'm just being out of touch with the times.