On Fri, Apr 09, 2021 at 08:24:35PM +0200, Sagar Acharya wrote:
> I guess this is where I diverge, user centric things always work better and 
> have more power.
More features != More power.
> One can always add a few more simple things, keeping minimalism of suckless 
> intact. One can create dwmd (dwm for dumb) with few more features.
Minimalism/power and catering to the lowest common denominator are simply and
completely incompatible. You've got to understand that interfaces for grandma
or Joe down the street and the ones for those who use dwm/bspwm can't be made
one. You have to be best at what you do, not a ridiculous jack-of-all-trades.

> Majority of the people in this world are never going to bother with creating 
> their own code.
Then they'll never be "free" while using something they will never bother

> I have studied Engineering Physics at IIT Delhi. There, Computer Science guys 
> are insane geniuses. They don't bother to set their system up. Very few do. 
> Most use dual boot Ubuntu and Windows. Now that I have completed my Bachelor 
> degree, I do not know a single person in my surroundings who uses GNU/Linux 
> or BSD OSes.
Which goes on to show that Computer Science has nothing to do with computers and
that scientists aren't necessarily the same as engineers/programmers,
nor are they wiser than average.
(I say that coming from one of the best universities in France; I didn't have
very much respect left for the word "scientist" when I left).

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