On Fri, 27 Mar 2020 22:03:48 +0100
v4hn <m...@v4hn.de> wrote:

Dear Michael,

> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 09:49:46PM +0100, Laslo Hunhold wrote:
> > thank you very much! Especially regarding understandability, given
> > this topic is really a bit "specific". :)  
> On that note, do you work on this very specific subproblem out of
> curiosity or do you work on concrete software projects that need this
> functionality?

true, the best projects come out of personal need, but here, it was
just interest in the topic. One target application I always saw was st,
to be honest, which currently does a good job of splitting the data
based on code points, but which also is not enough. With libgrapheme,
one could strip down the code in st to only work on bytes again and it
would handle grapheme clusters as single entities, as you would expect.

With best regards


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