I'd like to join in and say this is a wonderful work you made. I'm
looking forward to the updates.

Best luck,


On 27/03/2020, Laslo Hunhold <d...@frign.de> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Mar 2020 18:53:30 +0000
> Michael Hendricks <mich...@ndrix.org> wrote:
> Dear Michael,
>> To avoid Warnock's dilemma, let me just say that this looks
>> excellent. The API and implementation is clean and focused. Thank you
>> for publishing this library.
> thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like it. This is still at
> version "0", so if you have any suggestions for the API that might come
> to mind, let me know.
> With best regards
> Laslo

*Dominik Madarász *| Software Engineer
O: Kyjevské námestie 6, 974 04 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

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