Hi, I am surely not the first to come up with this[1], but I think many X tools could be replaced by TUIs running in st. Think about this quick example (dmenu replacement):
``` tmpi=$(mktemp) tmpo=$(mktemp)(font rendering trap "rm -rf '$tmpi' '$tmpo'" EXIT cat > "$tmpi" st -i -g '60x12' -e sh -c "cat '$tmpi' | fzf --reverse > '$tmpo'" cat "$tmpo" ``` The interesting thing about this is that you replace all the complexity of X (e.g. font rendering) with all the complexities of the terminal (e.g. ANSI escape codes). I believe there could be changes to st that would make this kind of usage simpler, e.g. an option for full-width or to automatically attach stdin/stdout to the command (fzf in this case). But the more important question at this point: Do you think this trade of complexities is worth it? tobias [1]: https://medium.com/njiuko/using-fzf-instead-of-dmenu-2780d184753f