Hello Comrades,

Many years ago (2011 or so) I did some stuff to get svkbd to work with dwm on a tablet. I didn't have a tablet for a long time and now I do again. Here's an updated version of the patch to work against current head of dwm. Comments are welcome --- things work, but I feel I missed a spot or two (and the call in manage() is clunky).

The goals: (1) svkbd sometimes is present sometimes is not (manually invoked); (2) when svkbd is present, it should be at the bottom of the screen; (3) svkbd should not overlap a window; (4) svkbd should not intrude on stacks, etc. and should act like it is invisible.

To get it to work, add the following to config.h's rules:

{ "svkbd",  NULL, NULL, TAGMASK,   1,          1, -1 },

Also probably best to do topbar rather than bottombar.

diff --git a/dwm.c b/dwm.c
index 4465af1..0117701 100644
--- a/dwm.c
+++ b/dwm.c
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ struct Client {
        int basew, baseh, incw, inch, maxw, maxh, minw, minh;
        int bw, oldbw;
        unsigned int tags;
-       int isfixed, isfloating, isurgent, neverfocus, oldstate, isfullscreen;
+       int isfixed, isfloating, isurgent, neverfocus, oldstate, isfullscreen, 
        Client *next;
        Client *snext;
        Monitor *mon;
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ typedef struct {
        unsigned int tags;
        int isfloating;
        int monitor;
+       int iskbd;
 } Rule;
/* function declarations */
@@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ applyrules(Client *c)
                && (!r->instance || strstr(instance, r->instance)))
                        c->isfloating = r->isfloating;
+                       c->iskbd = r->iskbd;
                        c->tags |= r->tags;
                        for (m = mons; m && m->num != r->monitor; m = m->next);
                        if (m)
@@ -709,9 +711,11 @@ drawbar(Monitor *m)
for (c = m->clients; c; c = c->next) {
-               occ |= c->tags;
-               if (c->isurgent)
-                       urg |= c->tags;
+               if (!c->iskbd) {
+                       occ |= c->tags;
+                       if (c->isurgent)
+                               urg |= c->tags;
+               }
        x = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < LENGTH(tags); i++) {
@@ -788,6 +792,8 @@ focus(Client *c)
        if (selmon->sel && selmon->sel != c)
                unfocus(selmon->sel, 0);
        if (c) {
+               if (c->iskbd)
+                       return;
                if (c->mon != selmon)
                        selmon = c->mon;
                if (c->isurgent)
@@ -837,16 +843,16 @@ focusstack(const Arg *arg)
        if (!selmon->sel)
        if (arg->i > 0) {
-               for (c = selmon->sel->next; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = c->next);
+               for (c = selmon->sel->next; c && (!ISVISIBLE(c) || c->iskbd); c = 
                if (!c)
-                       for (c = selmon->clients; c && !ISVISIBLE(c); c = 
+                       for (c = selmon->clients; c && (!ISVISIBLE(c) || 
c->iskbd); c = c->next);
        } else {
                for (i = selmon->clients; i != selmon->sel; i = i->next)
-                       if (ISVISIBLE(i))
+                       if (ISVISIBLE(i) && !i->iskbd)
                                c = i;
                if (!c)
                        for (; i; i = i->next)
-                               if (ISVISIBLE(i))
+                               if (ISVISIBLE(i) && !i->iskbd)
                                        c = i;
        if (c) {
@@ -1039,14 +1045,22 @@ manage(Window w, XWindowAttributes *wa)
- if (c->x + WIDTH(c) > c->mon->mx + c->mon->mw)
-               c->x = c->mon->mx + c->mon->mw - WIDTH(c);
-       if (c->y + HEIGHT(c) > c->mon->my + c->mon->mh)
-               c->y = c->mon->my + c->mon->mh - HEIGHT(c);
-       c->x = MAX(c->x, c->mon->mx);
-       /* only fix client y-offset, if the client center might cover the bar */
-       c->y = MAX(c->y, ((c->mon->by == c->mon->my) && (c->x + (c->w / 2) >= 
-               && (c->x + (c->w / 2) < c->mon->wx + c->mon->ww)) ? bh : 
+       if (c->iskbd) {
+               c->y = c->mon->my + c->mon->mh - c->h;
+               c->mon->mh = HEIGHT(c);
+               updatebarpos(selmon);
+               XMoveResizeWindow(dpy, selmon->barwin, selmon->wx, selmon->by, 
selmon->ww, bh);
+               arrange(selmon);
+       } else {
+               if (c->x + WIDTH(c) > c->mon->mx + c->mon->mw)
+                       c->x = c->mon->mx + c->mon->mw - WIDTH(c);
+               if (c->y + HEIGHT(c) > c->mon->my + c->mon->mh)
+                       c->y = c->mon->my + c->mon->mh - HEIGHT(c);
+               c->x = MAX(c->x, c->mon->mx);
+               /* only fix client y-offset, if the client center might cover 
the bar */
+               c->y = MAX(c->y, ((c->mon->by == c->mon->my) && (c->x + (c->w / 2) >= 
+                       && (c->x + (c->w / 2) < c->mon->wx + c->mon->ww)) ? bh : 
+       }
        c->bw = borderpx;
wc.border_width = c->bw;
@@ -1107,7 +1121,7 @@ monocle(Monitor *m)
        Client *c;
for (c = m->clients; c; c = c->next)
-               if (ISVISIBLE(c))
+               if (ISVISIBLE(c) && !c->iskbd)
        if (n > 0) /* override layout symbol */
                snprintf(m->ltsymbol, sizeof m->ltsymbol, "[%d]", n);
@@ -1268,6 +1282,8 @@ recttomon(int x, int y, int w, int h)
 resize(Client *c, int x, int y, int w, int h, int interact)
+       if (c && c->iskbd)
+               return;
        if (applysizehints(c, &x, &y, &w, &h, interact))
                resizeclient(c, x, y, w, h);
@@ -1765,6 +1781,9 @@ unmanage(Client *c, int destroyed)
        Monitor *m = c->mon;
        XWindowChanges wc;
+ if (c->iskbd)
+               updategeom();
        if (!destroyed) {

sic dicit magister P
GPG keyID 0xE0DBD3D6 (CAE6 3A6F 755F 7BC3 36CA  330D B3E6 39C6 E0DB D3D6)

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