Now it works with pcw! Very much like lchat. Put this in exec dvtm-ii "$CPATH"
and here is the script, which I named dvtm-ii #!/bin/sh set -u trap cleanup INT TERM QUIT cleanup() { kill $!; } # make st end when this script does [ -d "$1" -a -r "$1"/out -a -p "$1"/in ] || exit 1 cmd_fifo=$(mktemp -u) || exit 1 mkfifo "$cmd_fifo" || exit 1 title="$(basename $(dirname "$1"))/$(basename "$1")" st -e dvtm -M -h 10000 -t "$title" -c "$cmd_fifo" "exec nano -nw \"$1/in\"" "exec tail -n +0 -f \"$1\"/out" & delay="0.09" # dvtm crashes unless pause at leat 0.07 seconds # I had to customize dvtm to allow these commands to the command fifo, and it # was very easy to do so. They are based on the keyboard commands. If you # haven't customized dvtm, you can just comment out this next paragraph { for cmd in b j l l l l l l; do sleep "$delay" echo "$cmd" done } >"$cmd_fifo" wait # wait for st