I am new to ii and experimenting and learning.  I had the thought, "Why 
re-invent the wheel?"  Questions and comments are welcome.  I am sharing my 

For a little program that deals with an in and an out file, like lchat or xii 
[1], I need only three features: an out-displayer, an in-sender, and a 
combiner.  These tools already exist, so no need to write a new GUI or curses 
TUI etc.

For the out-displayer, I want these features: scrolling to see all output, 
select and copy, notification when out grows.  For the in-sender: edit text and 
send text to in file.  For the combiner: make the out-displayer real big and 
put the in-sender real small below it.

For the out-displayer, use "tail -n +0 -f out" in a dvtm window and I get all 
the features except notification.
For the in-sender, use "nano -nw in" in a dvtm window.  Of course you could 
choose a different editor.  For the combiner I use dvtm.  It allows me to 
combine the two components, set their relative size and position.  It also 
provides scrolling and access to the scrollback buffer, and select and copy and 

So here is the script.  Note that my-dvtm is just an extremely simple shell 
script that sets a few options that I prefer (e.g. bigger scrollback buffer). I 
could not figure out how to make this script work without calling a new 
terminal window (st). If I put dvtm into the background (calling dvtm directly 
without st) I get all sorts of problems.  Is it possible?  Any other 
improvements could be made to this script?

set -u
[ -d "$1" -a -r "$1"/out -a -p "$1"/in ] || exit 1
cmd_fifo=$(mktemp -u) || exit 1
mkfifo "$cmd_fifo" || exit 1
st -e my-dvtm -c "$cmd_fifo" "nano -nw \"$1/in\"" "tail -n +0 -f \"$1\"/out" &

d="0.09" # dvtm crashes without pausing at leat 0.07 seconds
# I had to customize dvtm to allow these commands to the command fifo, and it
# was very easy to do so.  They are based on the keyboard commands.
        for cmd in b j l l l l l l; do
                sleep "$d"
                echo "$cmd"
} >"$cmd_fifo"

[1] https://tools.suckless.org/ii/usage/

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