On Sat, Feb 16, 2019 at 12:47 AM Ivan Tham <pickf...@riseup.net> wrote: > By the way, Patrick. Why use anthy instead of mozc for japanese input? I > heard anthy is a dead project (from arch wiki).
Further follow-up: I switched from scim+anthy to fcitx+mozc, and the previous problems went away. Now (printf 'foo\nbar' | dmenu; press enter) doesn't crash, and in (printf 'ふ\nば' | dmenu), I can use mozc to select the second option. In the latter case, there is a peculiarity; when the input focus returns to the (termite) terminal window after dmenu returns, i3 still has the window marked as active, but termite is displaying the cursor for an inactive window, and the fcitx icon at the top of the screen is incorrectly indicating mozc, not regular mode. But when I move the mouse out of the terminal window and back in, both issues disappear.