On Fri, Feb 15, 2019 at 11:33 AM Silvan Jegen <s.je...@gmail.com> wrote:
> With the suggested patch applied, everything worked for me when using
> IBus and in st we use a similar pattern to what this patch is proposing
> (x.c:1007-1014). I am not sure why Patrick's IME (SCIM) is working in
> st but not in dmenu with the patch applied...

To be clear... the terminal I normally use is termite, not st. In
termite, scim+anthy works fine for me. As a test, I just now did a git
clone of st and built it. Result: scim+anthy does not work in st for
me. It doesn't crash; it just doesn't do anything.

If I were looking for a terminal program, I probably would not
consider st because of this. But in a menu program such as dmenu, I
don't care whether I can use non-ASCII characters or not.

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