On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 07:32:49PM +0100, Martin Tournoij wrote: > On Fri, May 18, 2018, at 18:38, Hiltjo Posthuma wrote: > > > As for my general thoughts on minification: use common sense. If you're > > > creating one of those pages with 3M of JavaScript then it probably makes > > > sense. If you're creating something more sane then it's probably just > > > wasted effort at best. > > > > > Don't create pages with 3MB of Javascript, that's insane. > > I agree. My boss, our web designers, and many other people don't, so > unfortunately I do have to deal with it. > > > I think concatenation/bundling in one file is fine, but not > > minification, because it makes the source unreadable. > > I'm not really sure if I understand what the harm in that is as such? I > personally find it useful to have the full source for debugging my > *own* websites, but I couldn't care less what someone else does with > their website. Do you ever read the source of random websites? >
I do. For example it can be useful to overwrite insane layout things or write a non-javascript program to use the site "API". Make sure to write little code, then no minification is needed. Just use a little Javascript to make the site nicer to use, for example for form highlighting in "validation" (not real validation of course, this has to be done server-side always). Make sure using Javascript is not mandatory. > > Carefully evaluate what you actually use in the site. Don't use > > bloated Javascript (such as jQuery) and CSS frameworks (such as > > Bootstrap). > > Sometimes using jQuery or Bootstrap makes sense. It really depends on > what you're building. If you're building a more complex website then > using jQuery can be perfectly reasonable. For a simpler website with > little JS? Probably not. > You never need jQuery for this: for querying the DOM using querySelector or querySelectorAll or something. The days IE6 compatibility was required are long gone too. Here are a list of scripts without jQuery with (optional) reusable components for a website: https://git.codemadness.org/jscancer/files.html When W3C/WhatWG finally writes a clear decent standard and it is implemented consistently I'll use it. Unfortunately they are a bunch of wankers in a dark room with no real-world experience. They are only interested in adding DRM to the web. Bootstrap adds atleast 100KB+ of CSS as a base "template". This is a waste of resources (CPU, bandwidth, etc). Don't spread bad web ideas to suckless. -- Kind regards, Hiltjo