i don't care about their sins. their keyboard and their software is unusable, the rest doesn't matter enough.
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple lukáš Hozda
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Anselm R Garbe
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Hadrien LACOUR
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Laslo Hunhold
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Martin Kühne
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Anselm R Garbe
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Laslo Hunhold
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Cág
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Anselm R Garbe
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple stephen Turner
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple hiro
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple alp
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple Anselm R Garbe
- Re: [dev] Collecting sins of Apple pranomestro