Hi Luk, On 21 October 2016 at 21:54, lukáš Hozda <luk.ho...@gmail.com> wrote: > I am not very familiar with the usage of mailing lists and unsure > whether this is the right place to post this request, but just like > the title says, I am collecting the sins of Apple. I will be having a > speech/presentation on problems of Apple the next week at my school > where I plan to talk about the wrongs against people and sane software > Apple has on account.
Apple has transformed from a rather "alternative pre-hipster" supplier into a so-called "premium" eco-system definer. If a customer buys hardware products from Apple, he becomes pretty much locked into the Apple eco-system. I consider this "forcing in" of customers into the Apple-monoculture as the worst aspect of Apple. In the past it was excusable, because one needed a PC for serious work anyways and Apple hardware and software was just some odd pre-hipster tool with limited functionality. Nowadays it has turned into a seriously locked up eco-system that appears to me worse than Microsofts PC dominance during the 90s and early 2000s. People who use Apple products barely escape from them, because they have invested a lot of money into the associated eco-system in the form of app/itunes purchases and other subscriptions. Corporate eco-systems means no freedom of choice to the customer. Speaking from FLOSS perspective, I don't think that Apple is worse or better than all the other IT corps that do some FLOSS contributions. Though, Apple's business model clearly is not based on open source, it is rather based on closed hardware and source. But the same applies for most other IT corps as well. In terms of software quality it depends on what you look at that Apple has contributed. Most of it is rather mediocre and hence I would consider that Apple's closed source and hardware design assets aren't any better than average. Best regards, Anselm