With what command can I open the web console in uzbl?

2015-01-25 12:29 GMT+01:00 Markus Teich <markus.te...@stusta.mhn.de>:
> Vampyrah Broadcasting wrote:
>> Hi,
>> sorry for my late response.
>> I have 1.0.so.0.16.16
> Heyho,
> You can test, if another browser using webkit/jscore (e.g. uzbl) also crashes,
> and if so, it's probably not related to surf and should be reported to the
> maintainers of webkit. Otherwise you probably need to get some local guy 
> helping
> you with installing a non-stripped webkit/jscore lib, which I have no idea how
> to do in BSD. This should lead to a more useful backtrace.
> --Markus

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