And here is the log generated with bt full

2015-01-21 19:55 GMT+01:00 Markus Teich <>:
> Vampyrah Broadcasting wrote:
>> Do you mean "surf -g"?
> Nope, I mean to edit the, change the two lines to be this:
> CFLAGS = -std=c99 -pedantic -Wall -g -O0 ${INCS} ${CPPFLAGS}
> LDFLAGS = -g ${LIBS}
> Then recompile by calling `make` and run surf in gdb `gdb ./surf`. This will
> give you a commandline. From there you can start surf by typing `run`. Then
> reproduce the crash in the newly spawned surf instance and when the prompt in
> gdb appears again, type `bt full` and post the output. You can then quit gdb 
> by
> typing `quit` and confirming.
> --Markus

Attachment: btfullerrmesg
Description: Binary data

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