c makes hidden heap allocations? Wat

> On 27 Nov 2014, at 19:39, Wander Nauta <i...@wandernauta.nl> wrote:
> What does your language have to offer? Is it safety? Expressiveness?
> Productivity? Ease of use? Do K programs run faster than C programs?
> Also, what is a 'for loop afterthot' (sic), why are the operators all
> weird, why do you use parentheses where every C-like language uses
> braces and why are integer types 'word-sized'?
> Not criticizing your great plans, just genuinely curious.
> Regards,
> Wander
> P.S.: Obligatory link to http://colinm.org/language_checklist.html
>> On 11/27/2014 04:32 PM, M Farkas-Dyck wrote:
>> Given the comments on alternatives to C lately on dev@ I thought this
>> a good time to introduce mine: http://k-lang.org/
>> The goal is a language appropriate for systems programs including
>> kernels, sans some flaws of C. This likely means no hidden heap
>> allocations.
>> This is very much a work in progress. In particular I not yet know how
>> to do arrays, modules/includes, or macros sanely.

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