On 31/10/2014 20:45, FRIGN wrote:
Yeah, but I want the XML parser.

I supposed so, but since you referred to (X)HTML, I was unsure.

I'd say it's hard to suck less than that as far as HTML goes...

Well, look at what XHTML 2.0 tried to achieve (it was a step in the
right direction). I'll never use HTML5 for the simple reason that
it's a bloated hell. So you better not insult the suckless-philosophy
with some HTML5-smartness.

Mea maxima culpa. I'll flagellate myself tonight by writing some Java.

Also it's worth noting that while it's still recommended to keep the
meta charset tag in there, using any encoding other than UTF-8 is
invalid HTML5 [3].

No, read your link again. It was talking about XML-documents, which
actually declare the charset in a sane place (at the bloody beginning).

Yeah, I had actually seen this, and had tested in a validator, but screwed up… I tried UTF-16, which is forbidden, but only because it's not an ASCII superset. ISO-8859-x only gives a warning. Duh.



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