On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 07:55:57PM +0100, stxetx wrote:
> [...]
> I actually considered doing a novel interface for a file manager based
> on Katamari Damacy[1] for my upcoming third year research project at
> uni, but it was shot down along with all my other ideas for projects.
> [...]

Do you have a writeup of your proposal somewhere? I'd be interested in
seeing how you mapped the "engulf everything" of Katamari Damacy to file

> [...]
> (Oh and hi. I'm stxetx. I've been using Suckless software for a while
> but, as I am a student, I've not contributed yet.)
> [...]

(I think) most of us are. That's not an excuse. Write good (or bad)
software and patches for suckless stuff and tell us about it. We might
like them (or not).

        Gregor Best

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