> i think it's impossible Not in the slightest. There is no technical reason why you can't have a novel interface that gamefies a sysadmin task (although it may be difficult to make a game suckless). There is a process management interface/game that used Doom called PSDoom[0] that shows someone has tried something similar.
I actually considered doing a novel interface for a file manager based on Katamari Damacy[1] for my upcoming third year research project at uni, but it was shot down along with all my other ideas for projects. (Oh and hi. I'm stxetx. I've been using Suckless software for a while but, as I am a student, I've not contributed yet.) stxetx [0] http://www.cs.unm.edu/~dlchao/flake/doom/chi/chi.html [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katamari_Damacy