prototype <> writes:

> Greetings,
> On 12.05.2014 18:18, Christoph Lohmann wrote:
>> For example the US navy is using Open Source software to
>> kill people. I can’t really support this.
> I also thought about this problem some time ago and asked google about
> a open source license which restricts harmful use - and this is what i
> got:
> the "Peaceful Open Source License" [1]:
>     Clause 1 and 2 come from the BSD 2-Clause license.
>     Clause 3 is meant to ensure that the project continues to be open
> and available to the public.
>     Clause 4 is our "No Military Use" clause.
>     The disclaimer is adapted from the BSD 2-Clause license.
> Is there anything against using this license?

I'm sure the military gives a fuck if they want to use your code.

Christian Neukirchen  <>

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