Quoth Anthony J. Bentley:
> Nick writes:
> > GPL is nearly as conceptually simple as permissive licenses, I 
> > think.
> ...
> Clearly, the GPL is just as simple to understand and explain to others
> as a permissive license. After all, copyright law is complex.

I don't think you read what I wrote carefully. I was using the word 
conceptual to separate the general meaning of the license with its 
legal implementation, which I fully agree is (probably needlessly) 
long and tedious (hence why I mentioned Fontana's recent simple 
version as a nice thing).

Conceptually, though, it is simple. Do whatever you want with this 
code, as long as you make the source code of anything using it 
available under the same conditions, and don't claim you wrote bits 
you didn't.

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