I concluded, that personally, I prefer TUI for an editor. System breaks? you have a console (does not support colors etc. but you have something). You're over SSH? you have a console. I want it to be compatible just with the few environments I use. xterm, st and minor support for ssh and tty and no support for each and every terminal out there.
A graphical editor just don't feel right to me. I've get used to vim and I will borrow most keybindings (and modes). I still don't get why we need fifo for Xlib. Use xlib as-is. fifo is slow (compared to native implementation) and that's why I asked for a library, instead of a renderer. In the first place, the renderer sounded like a really cool idea, but I give it some thought and no, I don't like it. You gave me some TUI suggestions, I'll see if any of them suits me (I think one of them does), or else, I'll make one myself (very difficult, but I'll try). @Charlie: I've worked (not a lot, but I have) with WYSIWYG editors and I'll agree with you that all you get is a complete mess. The best automation in an editor for me, is autocompletion. It saves very much time and does not brake the whole world down.