On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Martti Kühne <mysat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 3.: I don't have any need to collect metadata about my music I run off mpd, 
> and
> if I had the need, I could build symlink trees from my already sane directory
> structure:
> music/A/Artist/Album/trackname.flac
> That way I could add whatever metadata I could think of on any point in the
> tree - and in actual filesystem metadata, since, that's where metadata goes,
> right? As an example, I could list albums by different artists in a "weird"
> directory and link all the weird music there, residents, die antwoord, etc.

yes, yes, this seems like the way to do it.  I like this much better
than the sqlite I had been using, thanks for the encouragement.

> I myself have a lot of unknown artist id3v2 tags and broken encodings in that
> data, but I don't much need to give one, since I know where to find my 
> stuff...
> Also, where's the code? I'd be interested to try stuff out, especially 3 
> figure
> SLOC projects as it's tradition in this part of the net...

I'm going to work on this later this week, I'll post something with
hopefully minimal suck then.


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