I started on a project a while ago that may be a helpful starting
point.  It is a daemon written in C that watches a directory with
inotify ("~/Music" by default), tracks metadata about music files in a
sqlite3 database, and responds to HTTP queries about artists and
authors with JSON.  It fits my needs perfectly well; I use it every
day to listen to music, although there are certainly aspects that
could be improved.  I'm open to suggestions and criticisms.  It
currently has 4 deps: taglib, sqlite3, libevent2, and glib.  It looks
like the only thing I'm using glib for is URI escaping (this was
written before I was trying to suckless), it could easily be removed.


$ curl localhost:1969/artists # list all artists, returns array of strings
    "A Tribe Called Quest",
$ curl localhost:1969/albums/Soul%20Limbo # info about tracks in an album:
        "album": "Soul Limbo",
        "artist": "Booker T. & The M.G.'S",
        "title": "Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy",
        "track": "1"

On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Manolo Martínez
<man...@austrohungaro.com> wrote:
>> > on the files to be tagged. Does anyone here use another program for this
>> > purpose?
>> http://musicbrainz.org/doc/MusicBrainz_Picard
> Thanks, I'll give it a try.

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