On 19:21 Wed 01 Aug, Kurt H Maier wrote:
>On Wed, Aug 01, 2012 at 07:13:57PM -0400, Steven Blatchford wrote:
>> Give this[0] a read and see what you think.
>> [0] http://awk.freeshell.org/RangeOfFields
>I think their suggestions are based on
> 1) deciding to use a shitty version of awk, and 
> 2) the idea that you should give a shit if someone who doesn't know awk
>    is reading your script.
>I don't understand why sbase should care about either of these things.

Hmm you didn't read it or didn't read it well.

What is your awk to print fields three and four with this input:

    'foo bar baz quz'

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