On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:01:07AM +0100, Nick wrote:
> I just read about terminator
> <http://software.jessies.org/terminator/>, and thought a
> couple of its features sounded worth stealing (both require
> scrollback to be implemented):
> * Logging - logs of terminal sessions can be saved. It only
>   makes sense to do this on command, rather than automatically
>   (as terminator does). Once scrollback exists, this becomes
>   pretty easy (just save that).
> * Find - search through scrollback (maybe using regex).
> Another nice thing to have would be:
> * Smart reflowing of text on window resize. I think OSX's
>   terminal emulator might do this.
> None of these should take much code, I think. I'd like to
> add these myself, but I'd like it even more if someone else
> did.

The logging and find are both things that tmux does, and to do them right it
does take a chunk of code.  Why should st do them?  I can't think of any
reason.  Here's a feature request that should go in first: make st usable.


sic dicit magister P
University of Toronto / Fordham University
Collins Hall B06; Office Hours TF10-12
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