On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:11:55PM +0200, pancake wrote:
> On 10/18/11 12:01, Nick wrote:
> >* Logging - logs of terminal sessions can be saved. It only
> >   makes sense to do this on command, rather than automatically
> >   (as terminator does). Once scrollback exists, this becomes
> >   pretty easy (just save that).
> use script, ytscript or ttyrec.

The advantage of doing it in the terminal (once it has
scrollback) is that you can decide after something
interesting has happened "and save that", rather than
running one of those before. (though I'm not very familiar
with any of those tools).

> >* Find - search through scrollback (maybe using regex).
> we have no scrollback, and we delegate this task to
> >Another nice thing to have would be:
> >
> >* Smart reflowing of text on window resize. I think OSX's
> >   terminal emulator might do this.
> that would be cool if we supported scrollback. which is imho the
> main reason i dont use st as my main terminal

Yeah, I meant to imply above that scrollback is a more
important feature, that I'd particularly like.

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