On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 02:45:32PM +0100, Nick wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 03:08:24PM +0200, Petr Sabata wrote:
> > Speaking of colors -- another slightly annoying thing is you currently can't
> > define custom (not choosing one of the 16 colors) background, foreground and
> > cursor colors.
> You can use HTML-style hex notation, e.g. "#5c5cff"

That's not what I meant.
Now you can define all those 16 colors in *colorname[], then you decide which
one of _those_ is background, which is foreground and which is cursor.

It would be nice if one could choose even different colors for those three.
Sometimes there is a 'black' colored text you'd like to see in your terminal
with black background.

E.g. I use #191919 for background and #222222 for 'black', and #cccccc for
foreground and #dedede for 'white' in xterm.

Petr 'contyk' Sabata, Red Hat

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